Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

PhD position in Applied Analysis

created by peletier on 11 Jan 2016
modified on 10 Feb 2016

Deadline: 1 mar 2016

Applications are invited for a four-year

PhD student position

in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department at Eindhoven University of Technology.

The PhD project will be supervised by Mark Peletier.

The position is part of a joint project with Frank Redig (Delft), with another PhD student in Delft, supervised by Redig, and a postdoc in both Delft and Eindhoven. The topic of the project lies on the boundary between partial differential equations and stochastics: we will try to use stochastic ideas to better understand PDEs, and use PDE ideas to better understand stochastics.

In the Netherlands, PhD projects last four years and are paid positions; the salary increases over the four years from 2146 to 2744 euro per month, plus benefits.

For more information, see http:/jobs.tue.nlnlvacaturephdstudent-in-applied-analysis-248114.html or contact Mark Peletier directly at