[CvGmt News] CVGMT: weekly bulletin

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Fri Dec 6 12:00:02 CET 2013

Subject: CVGMT weekly bulletin

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it/

--- Summary ---

* New papers by: Garroni, Massaccesi, Lukkari, Mazzieri, Lu, Conti, Catino, Del Piero, Lancioni, De Luca, Indrei, March, Lorent, Velichkov, Deruelle, Harjulehto, Bogosel, Eleuteri, Figalli, Colombo
* Modified papers by: Goldman, Catino, Hariulehto, Zwicknagl, Franzina, Eleuteri, Lindqvist, Mazzieri, Spector, Lussardi, Habermann, Roper, Stefanelli, Lukkari, Brasco, March, Velichkov, Bourne, Peletier, Bucur, Kang, Mengesha

--- New Papers ---

* Catino, Deruelle, Mazzieri: Uniqueness of asymptotically cylindrical gradient shrinking Ricci solitons

* Conti, Garroni, Massaccesi: Modeling of dislocations and relaxation of functionals on 1-currents with discrete multiplicity

* De Luca: Gamma-convergence analysis of anisotropic and long range interaction energies for  discrete topological singularities

* Colombo, Indrei: Obstructions to regularity in the classical Monge problem

* Lorent: Rigidity of pairs of quasiregular mappings whose symmetric part of gradient are close

* Colombo, Figalli: An excess-decay result for a class of degenerate elliptic equations

* Eleuteri, Harjulehto, Lukkari: Global regularity and stability of solutions to obstacle problems with nonstandard growth

* Del Piero, Lancioni, March: A diffuse cohesive energy approach to fracture and plasticity: the one-dimensional case

* Bogosel, Velichkov: A multiphase shape optimization problem for eigenvalues: qualitative study and numerical results

* Lu: More counterexamples to regularity for minimizers of the average distance problem

* Lu: Example of minimizer of the average distance problem with non closed set of corners

--- Modified Papers ---

* Eleuteri, Habermann: Calder?n-Zygmund type estimates for a class of obstacle problems with p(x) growth

* Eleuteri, Habermann: A H?lder continuity result for a class of obstacle problems under non standard growth conditions

* Eleuteri, Lussardi, Stefanelli: A rate-independent model for permanent inelastic effects in shape memory materials

* Eleuteri, Hariulehto, Lukkari: Global regularity and stability of solutions to elliptic equations with nonstandard growth

* Eleuteri, Habermann: Regularity results for a class of obstacle problems under non standard growth conditions

* Catino, Mazzieri: Gradient Einstein solitons

* Kang, March: Existence and regularity of minimizers of a functional for unsupervised multiphase segmentation

* Brasco, Franzina: An anisotropic eigenvalue problem of Stekloff type and weighted Wulff inequalities

* Franzina, Lindqvist: An eigenvalue problem with variable exponents

* Goldman, Zwicknagl: Scaling law and reduced models for epitaxially strained crystalline films

* Bucur, Velichkov: Multiphase shape optimization problems

* Bourne, Peletier, Roper: Hexagonal patterns in a simplified model for block copolymers

* Mengesha, Spector: Localization of Nonlocal Gradients in Various Topologies

* Velichkov: A note on the monotonicity formula of Caffarelli-Jerison-Kenig

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