open positions
Lucia Scardia
Associate Professor, Heriot-Watt University
Available papers (28):
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R. Cristoferi
M. G. Mora
L. Scardia
(Submitted Paper)
Shape optimisation for nonlocal anisotropic energies
L. Scardia
K. Zemas
C. I. Zeppieri
Probab. Theory Relat. Fields
Homogenisation of nonlinear Dirichlet problems in randomly perforated domains under minimal assumptions on the size of perforations
J. Mateu -
M. G. Mora
L. Rondi
L. Scardia
- J. Verdera (
Advances in Mathematics
Explicit minimisers for anisotropic Coulomb energies in 3D
X. Pellet -
L. Scardia
C. I. Zeppieri
(Accepted Paper:
Adv. Calc. Var.
Stochastic homogenisation of free-discontinuity functionals in randomly perforated domains
F. Cagnetti
G. Dal Maso
L. Scardia
C. I. Zeppieri
Ann. PDE
A global method for deterministic and stochastic homogenisation in BV
F. Cagnetti
- A. Chambolle -
M. Perugini
L. Scardia
J. Convex Anal.
An extension result for generalised special functions of bounded deformation
J. Mateu -
M. G. Mora
L. Rondi
L. Scardia
- J. Verdera (Submitted Paper)
Stability of ellipsoids as the energy minimisers of perturbed Coulomb energies
F. Cagnetti
- A. Chambolle -
L. Scardia
(Accepted Paper:
Math. Ann.
Korn and Poincaré-Korn inequalities for functions with small jump set
A. Garroni
P. van Meurs
- M. A. Peletier -
L. Scardia
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.
Convergence and non-convergence of many-particle evolutions with multiple signs
F. Cagnetti
G. Dal Maso
L. Scardia
C. I. Zeppieri
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
Stochastic Homogenisation of Free-Discontinuity Problems
J. A. Carrillo - J. Mateu -
M. G. Mora
L. Rondi
L. Scardia
- J. Verdera (Accepted Paper:
Commun. Math. Phys.
The ellipse law: Kirchhoff meets dislocations
J. A. Carrillo - J. Mateu -
M. G. Mora
L. Rondi
L. Scardia
- J. Verdera (Preprint:
Calc. Var. and PDEs
The equilibrium measure for an anisotropic nonlocal energy
X. Pellet -
L. Scardia
C. I. Zeppieri
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Homogenization of high-contrast Mumford-Shah energies
F. Cagnetti
G. Dal Maso
L. Scardia
C. I. Zeppieri
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire
$\Gamma$-convergence of free-discontinuity problems
M. G. Mora
M. Peletier
L. Scardia
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Convergence of interaction-driven evolutions of dislocations with Wasserstein dissipation and slip-plane confinement
M. G. Mora
L. Rondi
L. Scardia
(Accepted Paper:
Comm. Pure Appl. Math.
The equilibrium measure for a nonlocal dislocation energy
S. Müller -
L. Scardia
C. I. Zeppieri
(Book chapter:
Analysis and Computation of Microstructure in Finite Plasticity. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics.
Gradient theory for geometrically nonlinear plasticity via the homogenization of dislocations
A. Garroni
P. van Meurs
- M. A. Peletier -
L. Scardia
Boundary-layer analysis of a pile-up of walls of edge dislocations at a lock
S. Müller -
L. Scardia
C. I. Zeppieri
Indiana univ. Math. J.
Geometric rigidity for incompatible fields and an application to strain-gradient plasticity
M. Geers - R. Peerlings -
M. Peletier
L. Scardia
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.
Asymptotic behaviour of a pile-up of infinite walls of edge dislocations
M. G. Mora
L. Scardia
J. Differential Equations
Convergence of equilibria of thin elastic plates under physical growth conditions for the energy density
L. Scardia
C. I. Zeppieri
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Line-tension model for plasticity as the $\Gamma$-limit of a nonlinear dislocation energy
L. Scardia
- A. Schlömerkemper -
C. Zanini
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.
Boundary layer energies for nonconvex discrete systems
F. Cagnetti
L. Scardia
J. Math. Pures Appl.
An extension theorem in $SBV$ and an application to the homogenization of the Mumford-Shah functional in perforated domains
L. Scardia
Adv. Calc. Var.
Damage as the Gamma-limit of microfractures in linearized elasticity under the non-interpenetration constraint
L. Scardia
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.
Damage as Gamma-limit of microfractures in anti-plane linearized elasticity
L. Scardia
Proc. Roy. Edinb. Soc. A
Asymptotic models for curved rods derived from nonlinear elasticity by $\Gamma$-convergence
L. Scardia
Asymptot. Anal.
The nonlinear bending-torsion theory for curved rods as Gamma-limit of three-dimensional elasticity
8 sep 2021:
Optimality of the ellipse for a class of nonlocal energies - (online)
24 jun 2024 - 28 jun 2024:
Calculus of Variations in Lille - 4th edition
27 may 2024 - 31 may 2024:
Modeling and analysis in nanomagnetism and beyond
25 mar 2024 - 28 mar 2024:
M&M's - Measures and Materials Workshop
20 sep 2023 - 22 sep 2023:
Variational models for material failure
17 jul 2023 - 21 jul 2023:
Workshop "Nonlinear PDEs: Recent Trends in the Analysis of Continuum Mechanics"
4 jul 2023 - 7 jul 2023:
Variational methods for nonlinear PDEs
20 mar 2023 - 24 mar 2023:
Spring School "Recent trends in the mathematics of complex materials"
20 feb 2023 - 24 feb 2023:
Between Regularity and Defects: Variational and Geometrical Methods in Materials Science
13 jun 2022 - 15 jun 2022:
Workshop on Analysis and PDEs
6 sep 2021 - 10 sep 2021:
Variational methods and applications
22 feb 2021 - 26 feb 2021:
(Virtual) Winterschool on Analysis and Applied Mathematics
28 oct 2019 - 31 oct 2019:
Calculus of Variations and Applications in Trani
16 sep 2019 - 19 sep 2019:
6th Applied Mathematics Symposium Münster: recent advances in the Calculus of Variations
2 sep 2019 - 5 sep 2019:
Optimal Transport and Optimal Patterns
3 sep 2018 - 6 sep 2018:
Meeting on Applied Mathematics and Calculus of Variations
15 jun 2017 - 16 jun 2017:
From Solid Mechanics to Mathematical Analysis: A workshop on the occasion of Gilles Francfort's 60th birthday
13 feb 2017 - 16 feb 2017:
Miniworkshop on dislocations, plasticity, and fracture
2 mar 2015 - 6 mar 2015:
New Perspectives in Analysis and Probability
4 sep 2012 - 7 sep 2012:
Meeting on Applied Mathematics and Calculus of Variations
18 jun 2012 - 22 jun 2012:
Applied Dynamical Systems Summer School 2012
14 oct 2024 - 18 oct 2024:
Mathematical Materials Science: Defects and Polycrystals
11 jun 2018 - 14 jun 2018:
Nonlocal interactions: Dislocations and beyond
29 may 2014 - 30 may 2014:
Young Applied Analysts in the UK
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