open positions
Roberto Alicandro
Full Professor, Università di Napoli "Federico II"
Available papers (36):
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R. Alicandro
M. S. Gelli
- C. Leone (Submitted Paper)
Variational analysis of nonlocal Dirichlet problems in periodically perforated domains
R. Alicandro
L. De Luca
- M. Palombaro -
M. Ponsiglione
$\Gamma$-convergence analysis of the nonlinear self-energy induced by edge dislocations in semi-discrete and discrete models in two dimensions
R. Alicandro
A. Braides
- M. Solci -
G. Stefani
(Submitted Paper)
Topological singularities arising from fractional-gradient energies
R. Alicandro
L. De Luca
G. Lazzaroni
- M. Palombaro -
M. Ponsiglione
J. Nonlinear Sci.
Coarse-graining of a discrete model for edge dislocations in the regular triangular lattice
R. Alicandro
M. Cicalese
L. De Luca
Nonlinear Analysis
Screw dislocations in periodic media: variational coarse graining of the discrete elastic energy
R. Alicandro
N. Ansini
A. Braides
- A. Piatnitski -
A. Tribuzio
SpringerBriefs on PDEs and Data Science
A Variational Theory of Convolution-type Functionals
R. Alicandro
A. Braides
M. Cicalese
- M. Solci (Book:
Cambridge University Press
Discrete Variational Problems with Interfaces
R. Alicandro
A. Braides
M. Cicalese
L. De Luca
- A. Piatnitski (
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
Topological singularities in periodic media: Ginzburg-Landau and core-radius approaches
R. Alicandro
G. Lazzaroni
- M. Palombaro (
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Derivation of linear elasticity for a general class of atomistic energies
R. Alicandro
G. Lazzaroni
- M. Palombaro (
Netw. Heterog. Media
Derivation of a rod theory from lattice systems with interactions beyond nearest neighbours
R. Alicandro
G. Dal Maso
G. Lazzaroni
- M. Palombaro (
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
Derivation of a linearised elasticity model from singularly perturbed multiwell energy functionals
R. Alicandro
G. Lazzaroni
- M. Palombaro (
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
On the effect of interactions beyond nearest neighbours on non-convex lattice systems
R. Alicandro
L. De Luca
A. Garroni
M. Ponsiglione
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Minimising movements for the motion of discrete screw dislocations along glide directions
R. Alicandro
L. De Luca
A. Garroni
M. Ponsiglione
J. Mech. Phys. Solids
Dynamics of discrete screw dislocations on glide directions
R. Alicandro
M. S. Gelli
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Local and non local continuum limits of Ising type energies for spin systems
R. Alicandro
M. Cicalese
M. Ruf
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
Domain formation in magnetic polymer composites: an approach via stochastic homogenization
R. Alicandro
M. Ponsiglione
J. Funct. Anal.
Ginzburg-Landau functionals and renormalized energy: A revised $\Gamma$-convergence approach
R. Alicandro
N. Ansini
Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sci. (M3AS)
A variational model of interaction between continuum and discrete systems
R. Alicandro
L. De Luca
A. Garroni
M. Ponsiglione
Archive Rational Mech. Anal.
Metastability and dynamics of discrete topological singularities in two dimensions: a $\Gamma$-convergence approach
R. Alicandro
M. Cicalese
L. Sigalotti
Interfaces and Free Boundaries
Phase transition in presence of surfactants: from discrete to continuum
R. Alicandro
M. Cicalese
- A. Gloria (
Archive Rational Mech. Anal.
Integral representation results for energies defined on stochastic lattices and application to nonlinear elasticity
R. Alicandro
M. Cicalese
M. Ponsiglione
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
Variational equivalence between Ginzburg-Landau, XY spin systems and screw dislocations energies
R. Alicandro
M. Cicalese
Archive Rational Mech. Anal.
Variational analysis of the asymptotics of the $XY$ model
R. Alicandro
A. Braides
M. Cicalese
Calc. Var. Partial Diff. Eq.
Continuum limits of discrete thin films with superlinear growth densities
R. Alicandro
M. Cicalese
- A. Gloria (
Integral representation of the bulk limit of a general class of energies for bounded and unbounded spin systems
R. Alicandro
A. Corbo Esposito
- C. Leone (
J. Convex Anal.
Relaxation in BV of integral functionals defined on Sobolev functions with values in the unit sphere
R. Alicandro
M. Cicalese
- A. Gloria (
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sér. I
Mathematical derivation of a rubber-like stored energy functional
R. Alicandro
A. Braides
M. Cicalese
Networks and Heterogeneous Media
Phase and anti-phase boundaries in binary discrete systems: a variational viewpoint
R. Alicandro
A. Braides
M. Cicalese
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
$L^\infty$ energies on discontinuous functions
R. Alicandro
M. Cicalese
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
A General Integral Representation Result for Continuum Limits of Discrete Energies with superlinear growth
R. Alicandro
M. Focardi
Comm. Cont. Math.
Variational Approximation of Free-Discontinuity Energies with Linear Growth
R. Alicandro
M. Focardi
M. S. Gelli
Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci.
Finite-Difference Approximation of Energies in Fracture Mechanics
R. Alicandro
- C. Leone (
3D-2D Asymptotic Analysis for Micromagnetic Thin Films
R. Alicandro
M. S. Gelli
The Royal Soc.of Edinburgh
Free-discontinuity problems generated by singular perturbation: the N-dimensional case
R. Alicandro
A. Braides
- J. Shah (
Interfaces Free Bound.
Free-discontinuity problems via functionals involving the $L^1$-norm of the gradient and their approximations.
R. Alicandro
A. Braides
M. S. Gelli
The Royal Soc. of Edinburgh
Free-discontinuity problems generated by singular perturbation
14 sep 2017 - 15 sep 2017:
Workshop "Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations"
31 mar 2014 - 4 apr 2014:
International Workshop: From Atomistic to Continuum Models in Materials Science
4 sep 2012 - 7 sep 2012:
Meeting on Applied Mathematics and Calculus of Variations
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