Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

F. Essebei - E. Pasqualetto

Variational problems concerning length distances in metric spaces

created by pasqualetto on 05 May 2023



Inserted: 5 may 2023

Year: 2023

ArXiv: 2305.02771 PDF


Given a locally compact, complete metric space $({\rm X},{\sf D})$ and an open set $\Omega\subseteq{\rm X}$, we study the class of length distances $\sf d$ on $\Omega$ that are bounded from above and below by fixed multiples of the ambient distance $\sf D$. More precisely, we prove that the uniform convergence on compact sets of distances in this class is equivalent to the $\Gamma$-convergence of several associated variational problems. Along the way, we fix some oversights appearing in the previous literature.