Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

D. Bucur - M. Nahon - C. Nitsch - C. Trombetti

Shape optimization of a thermal insulation problem

created by bucur on 15 Dec 2021



Inserted: 15 dec 2021

Year: 2021

ArXiv: 2112.07300 PDF


We study a shape optimization problem involving a solid $K\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ that is maintained at constant temperature and is enveloped by a layer of insulating material $\Omega$ which obeys a generalized boundary heat transfer law. We minimize the energy of such configurations among all $(K,\Omega)$ with prescribed measure for $K$ and $\Omega$, and no topological or geometrical constraints. In the convection case (corresponding to Robin boundary conditions on $\partial\Omega$) we obtain a full description of minimizers, while for general heat transfer conditions, we prove the existence and regularity of solutions and give a partial description of minimizers.