Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

P. R. A. S. A. N. T. A. K. U. M. A. R. BARIK - Ankik Kumar Giri

Global classical solutions to the continuous coagulation equation with collisional breakage

created by barik on 23 Aug 2018



Inserted: 23 aug 2018

Year: 2018

ArXiv: 1808.07130 PDF


Existence and uniqueness of mass-conserving classical solutions to the continuous coagulation equation with collisional breakage are investigated for an unbounded class of collision kernels and a particular case of the distribution function. The distribution function may have a possibility to attain singularity at the origin. The proof of the existence result relies on the compactness method. Moreover, a uniqueness result is shown. In addition, it is observed that the uniqueness solution is mass-conserving.