Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

A. Braides - A. Garroni - M. Palombaro

Interfacial energies of systems of chiral molecules

created by braidesa on 18 Nov 2015
modified by garroni on 18 Sep 2020


Published Paper

Inserted: 18 nov 2015
Last Updated: 18 sep 2020

Journal: Multiscale Model. Simul.
Volume: 14
Pages: 1037-1062
Year: 2016
Doi: 10.1137/15M104894X

ArXiv: 1512.01123 PDF


We consider a simple model for the assembly of chiral molecules in two dimensions driven by maximization of the contact area. We derive a macroscopic model described by a parameter taking nine possible values corresponding to the possible minimal microscopic patterns and modulated phases of the chiral molecules. We describe the overall behaviour by means of an interaction energy of perimeter type between such phases. This energy is a crystalline perimeter energy, highlighting preferred directions for the interfaces between ensembles of molecules labelled by different values of the parameter.
