Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

G. Buttazzo - G. Carlier - S. Guarino Lo Bianco

Optimal Regions for Congested Transport

created by buttazzo on 03 Apr 2014



Inserted: 3 apr 2014
Last Updated: 3 apr 2014

Year: 2014


We consider a given region $\Omega$ where the traffic flows according to two regimes: in a region $C$ we have a low congestion, where in the remaining part $\Omega\setminus C$ the congestion is higher. The two congestion functions $H_1$ and $H_2$ are given, but the region $C$ has to be determined in an optimal way in order to minimize the total transportation cost. Various penalization terms on $C$ are considered and some numerical computations are shown.

Keywords: Optimal Networks, shape optimization, transport problems, congestion effects
