Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

N. Marola - M. Miranda Jr - N. Shanmugalingam

Boundary measures, generalized Gauss-Green formulas and the mean value property in metric measure spaces

created by miranda on 16 Apr 2013
modified by shanmugal on 08 Oct 2014



Inserted: 16 apr 2013
Last Updated: 8 oct 2014

Journal: Revista Mathematica Iberoamericana
Year: 2014


We study mean value properties of harmonic functions in metric measure spaces. The metric measure spaces we consider have a doubling measure and support a (1, 1)- Poincar ́e inequality. The notion of harmonicity is based on the Dirichlet form defined in terms of a Cheeger differentiable structure. By studying fine properties of the Green function on balls, we characterize harmonic functions in terms of a mean value property. As a consequence, we obtain a detailed description of Poisson kernels. We shall also obtain a Gauss–Green type formula for sets of finite perimeter which posses a Minkowski content characterization of the perimeter. For the Gauss–Green formula we introduce a suitable notion of the interior normal trace of a regular ball.
