Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

L. Freddi - T. Roubicek - C. Zanini

Quasistatic delamination of sandwich-like Kirchhoff-Love plates

created by freddi on 20 Mar 2012
modified on 13 Jan 2014


Published Paper

Inserted: 20 mar 2012
Last Updated: 13 jan 2014

Journal: Journal of Elasticity
Volume: 113
Number: 2
Pages: 219-250
Year: 2013
Doi: 10.1007/s10659-012-9419-9


A quasistatic rate-independent adhesive delamination problem of laminated plates with a finite thickness is considered. By letting the thickness of the plates go to zero, a rate-independent delamination model for a laminated Kirchhoff-Love plate is obtained as limit of these quasistatic processes. The same dimension reduction procedure is eventually applied to processes which are sensitive to delamination modes, namely opening vs. shearing is distinguished.
