Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

D. Danielli - A. Petrosyan

A minimum problem with free boundary for a degenerate quasilinear operator

created on 05 Mar 2003


Submitted Paper

Inserted: 5 mar 2003

Year: 2003


In this paper we prove $C^{1,\alpha}$-regularity (near flat points) of the free boundary $\partial\{u>0\}\cap\Omega$ in the Alt-Caffarelli type minimum problem for the $p$-Laplace operator: $$ J(u)=\int\Omega\left(
\nabla u
p + \lambdap\chi{\{u>0\}}\right)dx\rightarrow \min\qquad (1<p<\infty.) $$
