Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Mass Transportation Problems and Applications

created on 26 Jun 2002
modified on 28 Apr 2017

13 oct 2002 - 19 oct 2002   [open in google calendar]

Mass Transportation Problems and Applications October 13 - 19, 2002

Deadline for Application: September 1, 2002

Organizers: Luigi Ambrosio (Pisa) Cedric Villani (Lyon)

Subjects: Recent years have seen the emergence of new directions in the study of optimal mass transportation, with connections to fluid mechanics, linear and nonlinear diffusion processes, calculus of variations, functional inequalities with a geometrical content, particle systems. This school will deal both with the study of the mass-transportation problem and with its applications to these various fields.

Prerequisites: No advanced notions are required, only a good familiarity with elementary measure theory, basic functional analysis and basic theory of PDE's.