Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

NCTS International Geometric Measure Theory Seminar

created by santilli on 12 Nov 2020
modified on 16 Nov 2020

18 nov 2020 - 15 sep 2021   [open in google calendar]

TYPE OF EVENT: We envisage an event built around virtual presentations on progress in geometric measure theory by external speakers. Every researcher is free to register as participant and thus gain access to a virtual facility which is complete with lobby, lecture hall, and separate rooms with boards for discussion. Thus, it shall recreate the exchange possibilities found at good international conferences. For registered participants, the discussion rooms and their boards can be used at all times.

FOCUS: regularity and singularity theories for submanifolds of Riemannian manifolds and some of its applications.

FREQUENCY: one presentation every other month.


REGISTRATION: required, go to the seminar website (allow one work day for processing).

Organizers: Guido De Philippis, Ulrich Menne, Yoshihiro Tonegawa, Neshan Wickramasekera.