Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Beyond. II

created by rizzi1 on 07 Nov 2018
modified on 20 Nov 2018

18 feb 2019 - 22 feb 2019   [open in google calendar]


This conference is the second of 5 meetings organized within the ERC project GeoMeG. It brings together international researchers working in various areas of mathematics connected with subriemannian geometry. It will be a gathering of experts in analysis on metric spaces, geometric group theory, Lie group theory, complex geometry, and optimal control.

On 11th-16th February, we aim to provide preparatory mini-courses for students. See the website for more details.

Organizers: Enrico Le Donne, Tapio Rajala, Luca Rizzi, Francesca Tripaldi.