Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

4th Conference on Recent Trends in Nonlinear Phenomena

created by palatucci on 24 Feb 2017
modified on 28 Apr 2017

18 sep 2017 - 20 sep 2017   [open in google calendar]


In the literature a wide interest has been always shown in nonlinear phenomena, both for pure mathematical interest and for the various applications in many fields such as, for instance, physics, chemistry, engineering. The aim of this conference is to present and discuss recent results about nonlinear PDEs and their applications in Mathematical Physics and to bring together leading academic scientists in these fields.

Organizers: Reza Aftabizadeh, Giovanni Anello, Filippo D. Cammaroto, Luigi D'Onofrio, Giovanni Molica Bisci, Franco Oliveri, Raffaella Servadei.

Speakers: Vincenzo Ambrosio, Vieri Benci, Isabeau Birindelli, Lucio Boccardo, Daniel Campbell, Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta, Michel Chipot, Alberto Farina, Giorgio Fusco, Nicola Fusco, Nicola Garofalo, Francesco Maggi, Jean Mahwin, Andrea Malchiodi, Paolo Marcellini, Giuseppe Mingione, Filomena Pacella, Giampiero Palatucci, Patrizia Pucci, Vicentiu Radulescu, Dusan Repovs, Biagio Ricceri, Sandro Salsa, Carlo Sbordone, Simone Secchi, Gabriella Tarantello.