Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

From students to mathematicians: an excellence master program in Trieste

created by barilari on 21 Feb 2017
modified on 28 Apr 2017

14 jun 2017 - 16 jun 2017   [open in google calendar]


The "Percorso Formativo Comune" is a joint project between SISSA and the University of Trieste, aiming at offering an excellence MSc program in Mathematics. Organized more than ten years after its inception, this meeting has a double purpose. On the one hand, it is an opportunity to reflect on the results of the program, also on the basis of research talks given by some former fellows. On the other hand, round tables will offer to young students some perspectives on possible careers as professional mathematicians after their BSc.

Organizers: Davide Barilari, Ugo Bruzzo, Gianni Dal Maso, Daniele Del Santo, Francesco Fanelli, Antonio Lerario, Emilia Mezzetti, Francesco Sala.
