Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Ninth Summer School in Analysis and Applied Mathematics

created by braidesa on 24 Sep 2016
modified on 28 Apr 2017

5 jun 2017 - 9 jun 2017   [open in google calendar]

Rome, Sapienza University, Department of Mathematics

The scope of the School is to offer an overview, through presentations given by top researchers in the field, of problems and methods of Applied Mathematics, from analysis of experimental data to modelling issues, to mathematical analysis, to feedback for the original problems. The lectures are aimed at presenting a self-contained introduction to the subjects.

JOSÉ ANTONIO CARRILLO (Imperial College, London) Nonlinear aggregation-diffusion equations: minimizers and long-time asymptotics

ANTONIN CHAMBOLLE (Ècole Polytechnique, Paris) Nonlocal and crystalline curvature flows

RUSTUM CHOKSI (McGill University, Montreal) Nonlocal geometric variational problems

MARK PELETIER (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven) Mean-field limits in particle systems and Wasserstein gradient flows

There is no registration fee. Participants are required to register on the web page.

Limited support is available for lodging. Applicants should send an application form (available on the web page - deadline: March 15, 2017). No support is available for travel expenses.

Speakers: José Antonio Carrillo, Antonin Chambolle, Rustum Choksi, Mark Peletier.