Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Geometric Evolutions and Minimal Surfaces in Lorentzian Manifolds

created by orlandi on 10 Mar 2010
modified on 28 Apr 2017

6 sep 2010 - 10 sep 2010   [open in google calendar]

The aim of this workshop (Centro Degiorgi, Pisa, 69-1092010) is bringing together leading experts in geometric evolutions, nonlinear hyperbolic PDEs and Geometric Measure Theory, in order to focus on evolution problems in a riemannian or lorentzian context.

Examples of such problems are given by hyperbolic mean curvature flows, relativistic and subrelativistic strings and branes, minimal surfaces in lorentzian manifolds.

We would like to emphasize questions and methodologies concerning both classical and generalized solutions, such as local well-posedness, classification of singularities, definitions of weak solution, and selection principles.


List of invited speakers


G. Bellettini (Roma)

F. Bonsante (Pavia)

Y. Brenier (Nice)

M. Carfora (Pavia)

D. Christodoulou (Zürich)

S. Cuccagna (Modena)

P. D'Ancona (Rome)

J. Eggers (Bristol)

V. Georgiev (Pisa)

C. Gerhardt (Heidelberg)

R. Jerrard (Toronto)

J. Hoppe (Stockholm)

P. Le Floch (Paris)

R. Manfrin (Venice)

M. Novaga (Padova)

V. Pierfelice (Orleans)

K. Smoczyk (Hannover)

L. Vega (Bilbao)

N. Visciglia (Pisa)


to be confirmed