Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Optimal Transportation and Applications

created by paolini on 12 Feb 2016
modified on 28 Apr 2017

7 nov 2016 - 11 nov 2016   [open in google calendar]

Scuola Normale Superiore

It is the eighth edition of this ``traditional'' meeting in Pisa, after the ones in 2001, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014. The meeting will be funded by SNS and by the ERC grant "Analysis of Multiscale Systems Driven by Functionals" of A.Mielke.

Speakers: Baudoin, Benamou, Brenier, Caracciolo, Cardalliaguet, Carlier, Colombo, De Pascale, Di Marino, Erbar, Fathi, Fornasier, Gangbo, Gigli, Ghoussoub, Huesmann, Kuwada, Liero, Maas, Matthes, Mondino, Monsaingeon, Ohta, Peletier, Peyre, Piccoli* (to be confirmed), Santambrogio, Sturm, Tannenbaum

Participation is free, but registration is mandatory.

Organizers: Luigi Ambrosio, Giuseppe Buttazzo, Alexander Mielke, Giuseppe Savaré.
