Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Advances in the Mathematical Analysis of Material Defects in Elastic Solids

created by morandott on 11 Nov 2015
modified on 28 Apr 2017

6 jun 2016 - 10 jun 2016   [open in google calendar]

SISSA, Trieste, Italy

This workshop will focus on the mathematical analysis of dislocations, plasticity, damage, and fracture. The most recent results on these subjects will be discussed combining different expertise and perspectives.

Organizers: Gianni Dal Maso, Antonio DeSimone, Marco Morandotti.

Speakers: Amit Acharya, Irene Arias, Marino Arroyo, Blaise Bourdin, Andrea Braides, Vasily V. Bulatov, Antonin Chambolle, Marco Cicalese, Sergio Conti, Gilles A. Francfort, Marc Geers, Klaus Hackl, Christopher J. Larsen, Claude Le Bris, Jean Jacques Marigo, Bob McMeeking, Alexander B. Movchan, Michael Ortiz, Mark Peletier, Krishnaswamy Ravi-Chandar, Giuseppe Savaré, Jay R. Walton, John Willis.