Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Conference on Calculus of Variations, PDE, and Geometric Measure Theory

created by cagnetti on 11 Jun 2015
modified on 28 Apr 2017

7 sep 2015 - 8 sep 2015   [open in google calendar]

University of Sussex, Brighton, UK

A Conference on Calculus of Variations, PDE, and Geometric Measure Theory will take place at the Department of Mathematics, University of Sussex on 7-8 September 2015. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss recent developments in these areas, and to explore future directions for common interaction.

Organizers: Filippo Cagnetti, Miroslav Chlebik, Gabriel Koch, Mariapia Palombaro, Ali Taheri.

Speakers: Gianni Dal Maso, Irene Fonseca, Bernd Kirchheim, Jan Kristensen, Giovanni Leoni, Jan MalĂ˝, Giuseppe Mingione, Maria Giovanna Mora, Massimiliano Morini, Michael Struwe, Neshan Wickramasekera.