Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Two Days on Nonlocal Operators and Applications

created by palatucci on 25 Jul 2012
modified on 28 Apr 2017

5 oct 2012 - 6 oct 2012   [open in google calendar]

University of Parma

Dear colleagues,

We are organizing a workshop on Nonlocal Operators and Applications in Parma, Italy, in the period October 5-6, 2012. For a more detailed program and some basic information, see the link below.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if further information is needed.

Kind regards,

Agnese Di Castro and Giampiero Palatucci

P.S. The school is kindly sponsored by ERC 207573 Vectorial Problems (Prof. Giuseppe Mingione).

Organizers: Agnese Di Castro, Giampiero Palatucci.