Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Entropy methods for coagulation-fragmentation PDEs

created by ambrosio on 05 Sep 2007
modified on 28 Apr 2017

20 sep 2007 - 21 sep 2007   [open in google calendar]

The short course will consist of 2 lectures os 2 hours:

First Lecture: September 20, Aula Mancini SNS, 15.00-17.00.

Second Lecture: September 21, Aula Mancini SNS, 15.00-17.00.

ABSTRACT. Lately, entropy methods have been used extensively in order to produce explicit estimates for the long-time behavior of nonlinear PDEs, without applying any technique of linearization. In particular, they have been used with success in the case of reaction-diffusion equations, and in the case of the spatially homogeneous Aizenmann-Bak coagulation-fragmentation equation. In this mini-course, we wish to introduce the full (spatially inhomogeneous) models of coagulation-fragmentation, and to show how the results decribed above enable to build up a theory for the large time behavior of this model.

Speakers: Laurent Desvillettes Ens Cachan.