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Muratov: The mathematics of charged liquid drops

In this talk, I will present an overview of recent analytical developments
in the studies of equilibrium configurations of liquid drops in the presence
of repulsive Coulombic forces. Due to the fundamental nature of
Coulombic interaction, these problems arise in systems of very different
physical nature and on vastly different scales: from femtometer scale of
a single atomic nucleus to micrometer scale of droplets in electrosprays
to kilometer scale of neutron stars. Mathematically, these problems all
share a common feature that the equilibrium shape of a charged drop is
determined by an interplay of the cohesive action of surface tension and
the repulsive effect of long-range forces that favor drop fragmentation.
More generally, these problems present a prime example of problems of
energy driven pattern formation via a competition of long-range attraction
and long-range repulsion. In the talk, I will focus on two classical models
- Gamow's liquid drop model of an atomic nucleus and Rayleigh's model
of perfectly conducting liquid drops. Surprisingly, despite a very similar
physical background these two models exhibit drastically different
mathematical properties. I will discuss the basic questions of existence
vs. non-existence, as well as some qualitative properties of global energy
minimizers in these models, and present the current state of the art for
this class of geometric problems of calculus of variations.
Wed Jun 26, 2019 3pm – 4pm Coordinated Universal Time
Aula Riunioni, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Pisa (map)