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Up to a small error, all functions are s-harmonic

We would like to present a series of structural results on nonlocal operators.
First of all, we will show that "all functions are s-harmonic, up to
a small error", namely that any smooth function can be locally approximated
by functions whose fractional Laplacian vanishes.

This phenomenon is indeed very general and robust,
since related approximation results hold
true for all linear nonlocal operators. In particular, no particular
structure (such as ellipticity, parabolicity or hyperbolicity) is needed
to obtain these density results.

In addition, we show that it is possible to make sense of the fractional
Laplacian also for functions with a polynomial growth at infinity, and that
the density results are stable with respect to this extended notion.

Thu Jan 19, 2017 4pm – 5pm Coordinated Universal Time
Aula Seminari Dipartimento di Matematica di Pisa (map)