[CvGmt News] [cvgmt] weekly bulletin

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Fri Oct 1 12:00:02 CEST 2021

Weekly bulletin for http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---

* Seminars by: 


* New papers by: Ambrosio, De Ponti, Ruf, Comi, Semola, Pasqualetto, Pacchiano Camacho, Spector, Buffa, Brena, Campbell, Mondino, Kinnunen, Stefani, Rodrigues, De Luca, Tomasiello, Ruf, Scala, Bruè

* Modified papers by: Calzi, Cesaroni, Bourne, Kröner, Bardi, ASHOK KUMAR, Pozzetta, Cristoferi, Stefani, Kesavan, Novaga, Cicalese, ANOOP, Goffi, Orlando, Ruf, Comi, Bruè

--- Events next week ---

* 9th GAMM-Seminar on Analysis of partial differential equations
  Wed 6 October 2021 - Fri 8 October 2021
  University of Freiburg, Germany


--- Seminars next week ---

Thu 7 October 2021

* WADE seminar (Lisbon)
Monica Clapp: Optimal partitions for the Yamabe equation
  Online (Lisbon time), 14:00


--- New Papers ---

* Bruè, Pasqualetto, Semola: Constancy of the dimension in codimension one and locality of the unit normal on $\mathrm{RCD}(K,N)$ spaces

* De Luca, De Ponti, Mondino, Tomasiello: Cheeger bounds on spin-two fields

* Rodrigues, Scala: Dynamics of a viscoelastic membrane with gradient constraint

* Ruf, Ruf: Stochastic homogenization of degenerate integral functionals and their  Euler-Lagrange equations

* Buffa, Kinnunen, Pacchiano Camacho: Variational solutions to the total variation flow on metric measure  spaces

* Ambrosio, Brena: Stability of a class of action functionals depending on convex functions

* Brena, Campbell: BV and Sobolev homeomorphisms between metric measure spaces and the  plane

* Comi, Spector, Stefani: The fractional variation and the precise representative of $BV^{\alpha,p}$ functions

--- Modified Papers ---

* Cicalese, Orlando, Ruf: Emergence of concentration effects in the variational analysis of the N-clock model

* Pozzetta: Convergence of elastic flows of curves into manifolds

* ANOOP, ASHOK KUMAR, Kesavan: A shape variation result via the geometry of eigenfunctions

* Bruè, Calzi, Comi, Stefani: A distributional approach to fractional Sobolev spaces and fractional variation: asymptotics II

* Bourne, Cristoferi: Asymptotic optimality of the triangular lattice for a class of optimal location problems

* Cesaroni, Kröner, Novaga: Anisotropic  mean curvature flow of Lipschitz graphs and convergence to self-similar solutions

* Bardi, Goffi: Liouville results for fully nonlinear equations modeled on Hormander vector fields: II. Carnot groups and Grushin geometries

--- Open Positions ---

* Lecturer position at the University of Leeds (deadline: Sun 3 October 2021)

* (NEW) RTDA Università di Milano, Milan (Italy) (deadline: Fri 22 October 2021)

* (NEW) Several PhD positions at the University of Münster (deadline: Mon 1 November 2021)

* (NEW) Postdoctoral research positions at the University of Münster (deadline: Mon 1 November 2021)

* PhD and Two Postdoctoral Positions at EPFL Lausanne (deadline: Tue 30 November 2021)

* Recruitment of Shing-Tung Yau Center of Southeast University (SEU-Yau Center)  Nanjing, China (deadline: Fri 11 February 2022)

* Recruitment of the Nanjing Center for Applied Mathematics(NCAM) Nanjing, China (deadline: Fri 11 February 2022)

* Research project on Optimal Transportation (deadline: Sat 31 December 2022)

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