[CvGmt News] Winter School in Ulm 11/2019

Gianluca Crippa gianluca.crippa at unibas.ch
Thu Aug 8 15:26:54 CEST 2019

We are pleased to announce the Winter School "Gradient Flows and Variational Methods in PDEs" to take place November 25-29, 2019, at Ulm University. The school aims to introduce young researchers (Master and PhD students, postdocs) to current research topics in the field. Confirmed main speakers are

  *   Verena Bögelein (Salzburg)
  *   Yann Brenier (Paris)
  *   Ralph Chill (Dresden)
  *   Anna Mazzucato (Penn State)
  *   Christian Seis (Münster)

The school will consist of minicourses of the main speakers and a number of contributed talks by the participants. Young researchers planning to participate may apply for financial support.

For information and registration (open until September 30, 2019), please see the website


Any inquiries can be directed to GradientFlowsPDEs at uni-ulm.de<mailto:GradientFlowsPDEs at uni-ulm.de>

We would be delighted to welcome you or your students or postdocs to Ulm in November.

Best regards,

Anna Dall'Acqua, Manfred Sauter, Emil Wiedemann, Rico Zacher

Prof. Dr. Emil Wiedemann
Institut für Angewandte Analysis
Universität Ulm
Helmholtzstr. 18
89081 Ulm, Germany

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