[CvGmt News] Fwd: Expression of Interest Research Associate Position University of Western Australia

GIUSEPPE BUTTAZZO giuseppe.buttazzo at unipi.it
Thu Nov 22 16:52:09 CET 2018

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Expression of Interest Research Associate Position University 
of Western Australia
Date: 22-11-2018 14:12
 From: Serena Dipierro <serena.dipierro at uwa.edu.au>
To: Enrico Valdinoci <enrico.valdinoci at uwa.edu.au>

Dear colleagues,

we will open a Research Associate Level A.8 Position at the Department
of Mathematics and Statistics at the _University of Western Australia_,
to collaborate to the development of the Australian Research Council
Discovery Project NEW (Nonlocal Equations at Work).

For this, interested candidates are encouraged to send an informal email
before DECEMBER 21, 2018, to

serena.dipierro at uwa.edu.au


enrico.valdinoci at uwa.edu.au

for an EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST, attaching only a CV.

A very strong research profile in PDEs is expected.

Tentatively, the Research Associate Position will last one year, from
June 2019 to June 2020 (shorter appointments can be also arranged).

The gross salary is 92,497 Australian Dollars (plus 9.5%

Best regards,

Serena Dipierro and Enrico Valdinoci

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