[CvGmt News] [cvgmt] weekly bulletin

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Fri Jul 20 12:00:09 CEST 2018

Weekly bulletin for http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---
* Seminars by: Sharp
* New papers by: Jin, Maalaoui, Xiong, Stuvard, Ponce, Catino, Squassina, Gong, Nardini, Rivière, Punzo, Hyder, Da Lio, Pasqualetto, Bidaut-Véron, Spector, Zucco, Monticelli, Nguyen, Martinazzi, Durand-Cartagena, De Lellis, De Marchis, Schikorra, Mingione, Beck, Riva, Nguyen , Alessi, Scardicchio, Gigli, Iula, Mancini, Luca M. Martinazzi, Carlone, Tentarelli, Crismale, Véron, Maggi, Tilli, Malchiodi, Borrelli, Orlando, Jaramillo
* Modified papers by: Percivale, Tamagnini, Hyder, De Philippis, Mantegazza, Petrache, Kreutz, Piovano, Spadaro, Tasnady, Pasqualetto, Friedrich, Monteverde, Morandotti, Braides, Hirsch, Carrillo, Buckmaster, Martinazzi, De Lellis, Valtorta, Malchiodi, Stefanelli, Volzone, Marchese, Massaccesi, Struwe, Ramic, De Rosa , Ghiraldin, Lazzaroni, Carlotto, Gigli, Colombo, Mainini, Lucardesi, Vicol, Spolaor, Maggi, Székelyhidi, Zucco, Paolini, Oudet, Scala, Inauen, Hoffmann

--- Seminars next week ---
Tue 24 July 2018
* Ben Sharp: Bubbling analysis for free-boundary minimal hypersurfaces
  Scuola Normale Superiore,  Aula Bianchi, 14:00

--- New Papers ---
* Nguyen , Nguyen: Good-$\lambda$  and Muckenhoupt-Wheeden type bounds in quasilinear measure datum problems, with applications
* Alessi, Crismale, Orlando: Fatigue effects in elastic materials with variational damage models: A
  vanishing viscosity approach
* Ponce, Spector: A decomposition by non-negative functions in the Sobolev space $W^{k, 1}$
* Bidaut-Véron, Nguyen, Véron: Quasilinear Lane-Emden equations with absorption and measure data
* Maggi, Scardicchio, Stuvard: Soap films with gravity and almost-minimal surfaces
* Durand-Cartagena, Gong, Jaramillo: Sierpinski-type fractals are differentiably trivial
* Gigli, Pasqualetto: Differential structure associated to axiomatic Sobolev spaces
* Nardini, Riva: Existence and uniqueness of dynamic evolutions for a one dimensional debonding model with damping
* Catino: Rigidity of positively curved shrinking Ricci solitons in dimension four
* De Lellis: Almgren's center manifold in a simple setting
* Tilli, Zucco: Spectral partitions for Sturm-Liouville problems
* Beck, Mingione: Optimal Lipschitz criteria and local estimates for non-uniformly
  elliptic problems
* Hyder, Martinazzi: Gluing metrics with prescribed $Q$-curvature and different asymptotic
  behaviour in dimension $6$
* Hyder, Iula, Martinazzi: Large blow-up sets for the prescribed Q-curvature equation in the
  Euclidean space
* Mancini, Martinazzi: The Moser-Trudinger inequality and its extremals on a disk via energy
* Da Lio, Martinazzi: The nonlocal Liouville-type equation in $\mathbb{R}$ and conformal
  immersions of the disk with boundary singularities
* Martinazzi: Fractional Adams-Moser-Trudinger type inequalities
* Iula, Maalaoui, Martinazzi: A fractional Moser-Trudinger type inequalitiy in one dimension and its
  critical points
* Maalaoui, Martinazzi, Schikorra: Blow-up behaviour of a fractional Adams-Moser-Trudinger type inequality
  in odd dimension
* Martinazzi: Conformal metrics on R^{2m} with constant Q-curvature and large volume
* De Marchis, Malchiodi, Martinazzi: Critical points of the Moser-Trudinger functional
* Jin, Maalaoui, Martinazzi, Xiong: Existence and asymptotics for solutions of a non-local Q-curvature
  equation in dimension three
* Luca M. Martinazzi: The non-parametric problem of Plateau in arbitrary codimension
* Da Lio, Martinazzi, Rivière: Blow-up analysis of a nonlocal Liouville-type equation
* Borrelli, Carlone, Tentarelli: Nonlinear Dirac Equation On Graphs With Localized Nonlinearities: Bound  States And Nonrelativistic Limit
* Monticelli, Punzo, Squassina: Nonexistence for hyperbolic problems on riemannian manifolds

--- Modified Papers ---
* Martinazzi: Classification of solutions to the higher order Liouville's equation on
* Martinazzi, Struwe: Quantization for an elliptic equation of order 2m with critical
  exponential non-linearity
* Mantegazza, Martinazzi: A Note on Quasilinear Parabolic Equations on Manifolds
* Martinazzi: Conformal metrics on $\R^{2m}$ with constant Q-curvature
* Martinazzi: Concentration-compactness phenomena in the higher order Liouville's
* Martinazzi, Petrache: Asymptotics and quantization for a mean-field equation of higher order
* Martinazzi: Quantization for the prescribed Q-curvature equation on open domains
* Martinazzi: A note on $n$-axially symmetric harmonic maps from $B^3$ to $S^2$
  minimizing the relaxed energy
* Martinazzi, Petrache: Existence of solutions to a higher dimensional mean-field equation on
* Martinazzi: A threshold phenomenon for embeddings of $H^m_0$ into Orlicz spaces
* De Lellis, Tasnady: The existence of embedded minimal hypersurfaces
* Malchiodi, Martinazzi: Critical points of the Moser-Trudinger functional on a disk
* Hyder, Martinazzi: Conformal metrics on $R^{2m}$ with constant Q-curvature, prescribed
  volume and asymptotic behavior
* De Lellis, Ghiraldin, Maggi: A direct approach to Plateau's problem
* De Lellis, Spadaro, Spolaor: Uniqueness of tangent cones for $2$-dimensional almost minimizing currents
* De Lellis, Spadaro, Spolaor: Regularity theory for $2$-dimensional almost minimal currents I: Lipschitz approximation
* De Lellis, Spadaro, Spolaor: Regularity theory for $2$-dimensional almost minimal currents II: branched center manifold
* De Lellis: The masterpieces of John Forbes Nash Jr.
* Paolini, Tamagnini: Minimal clusters of four planar regions with the same area
* Lucardesi, Morandotti, Scala, Zucco: Confinement of dislocations inside a crystal with a prescribed external strain
* Braides, Kreutz: Design of lattice surface energies
* De Lellis, Ramic: Min-max theory for minimal hypersurfaces with boundary
* Carlotto, De Lellis: Min-max embedded geodesic lines on asymptotically conical surfaces
* Gigli, Pasqualetto: Equivalence of two different notions of tangent bundle on rectifiable metric measure spaces
* De Lellis, Marchese, Spadaro, Valtorta: Rectifiability and upper Minkowski bounds for singularities of harmonic $Q$-valued maps
* Buckmaster, De Lellis, Székelyhidi, Vicol: Onsager's conjecture for admissible weak solutions
* Lazzaroni, Stefanelli: Chain-like ground states in three dimensions
* De Lellis: Allard's interior regularity theorem: an invitation to stationary varifolds
* De Lellis: Il teorema di Liouville ovvero perche' ``non esiste'' la primitiva di exp(x^2)
* Carrillo, Hoffmann, Mainini, Volzone: Ground States in the Diffusion-Dominated Regime
* Friedrich, Mainini, Piovano, Stefanelli: Characterization of optimal carbon nanotubes under stretching and validation of the Cauchy-Born rule
* Mainini, Monteverde, Oudet, Percivale: The minimal resistance problem in a class of non convex bodies
* De Lellis, Inauen: Fractional Sobolev regularity for the Brouwer degree
* Colombo, De Lellis, De Rosa : Ill-posedness of Leray solutions for the ipodissipative Navier--Stokes equations
* De Lellis, De Philippis, Hirsch, Massaccesi: Boundary regularity of mass-minimizing integral currents and a question  of Almgren

--- Open Positions ---
* Associate Professor in Mathematical Analysis - University of Trento (deadline: Mon 23 July 2018)

* (NEW) Postdoc position in Analysis and Probability at University of Pisa (deadline: Sat 28 July 2018)

* 3-Year Postdoc position TU Chemnitz (Germany) (deadline: Tue 31 July 2018)

* Tenure-Track position Departamento de Matemática PUC-RIO (deadline: Fri 31 August 2018)
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