[CvGmt News] [cvgmt] weekly bulletin

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Fri Oct 20 12:00:02 CEST 2017

Weekly bulletin for http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---
* Seminars by: Jevnikar, Stepanov
* New papers by: Buttazzo, Maestre, Jimenez, Xepapadeas, Yannacopoulos, Pinamonti, Dall'Acqua, Pozzetta, De Pascale, De Philippis, Pratelli, Bonaschi, Ruf, Pluda, Rossi, Champion, Nardulli, Bouchitté, Valdinoci, Crippa, Colombo, Ferone, Nitsch, Santambrogio, Dipierro, Malusa, Velichkov, Fragalà, Mahadevan, Bucur, Carlier, Spinolo, Novaga, Trombetti
* Modified papers by: Squassina, Brasco, Morini, Lussardi, Marini, Conti, Braides, Veneroni, Iurlano, Cicalese, Slastikov, Teplitskaya, Stepanov, Ruf, Chambolle

--- Seminars next week ---
Wed 25 October 2017
* Aleks Jevnikar (University of Rome 'Tor Vergata'): Liouville-type problems on compact surfaces: a variational approach
  Sala Seminari Dipartimento di Matematica di Pisa, 17:00

* Eugene Stepanov (St. Petersburg State University): The saga of a fish: from a survival guide to closing lemmas for dynamical systems
  Sala Seminari Dipartimento di Matematica di Pisa, 18:00

--- New Papers ---
* Bucur, Ferone, Nitsch, Trombetti: Weinstock inequality in higher dimensions
* Bouchitté, Jimenez, Mahadevan: Asymptotique d'un problème de positionnement optimal.
* Bouchitté, Champion, Jimenez: Completion of the space of measures in the Kantorovich norm
* Carlier, Jimenez: On Monge's problem for Bregman-like cost functions 
* Colombo, Crippa, Spinolo: On the singular local limit for conservation laws with nonlocal fluxes
* Santambrogio, Xepapadeas, Yannacopoulos: Spatial rational expectations equilibria in the Ramsey model of optimal growth
* Dipierro, Novaga, Valdinoci: On a Minkowski geometric  flow in the plane
* Bonaschi, Rossi:  Generation via variational convergence of Balanced Viscosity solutions to rate-independent systems
* Dall'Acqua, Pluda: Some minimization problems for planar networks of elastic curves
* Malusa, Novaga: Crystalline evolutions in chessboard-like microstructures
* Ruf: Discrete stochastic approximations of the Mumford-Shah functional
* Nardulli: Regularity of isoperimetric regions that are close to a smooth manifold
* Buttazzo, Maestre, Velichkov: Optimal potentials for problems with changing sign data
* Buttazzo, De Pascale, Fragalà: Erratum to: Topological equivalence of some variational problems involving distances
* Pozzetta: Confined Willmore energy and the Area functional
* De Philippis, Pratelli: The closure of planar diffeomorphisms in Sobolev spaces
* Dipierro, Pinamonti, Valdinoci: Classification of stable solutions for boundary value problems with nonlinear boundary conditions on Riemannian manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature

--- Modified Papers ---
* Morini, Slastikov: Geometrically induced phase transitions in two-dimensional dumbbell-shaped domains
* Stepanov, Teplitskaya: Self-contracted curves have finite length
* Braides, Cicalese, Ruf: Continuum limit and stochastic homogenization of discrete ferromagnetic thin films
* Ruf: On the continuity of functionals defined on partitions
* Ruf: Motion of discrete interfaces in low-contrast random environments
* Lussardi, Marini, Veneroni: Stochastic homogenization of maximal monotone relations and applications 
* Brasco, Squassina: Optimal solvability for a nonlocal problem at critical growth
* Chambolle, Conti, Iurlano: Approximation of functions with small jump sets and existence of strong minimizers of Griffith's energy

--- Open Positions ---
* Professorship in Mathematical Analysis at UCL (Belgium) (deadline: Wed 15 November 2017)

* Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in Mathematics School of Mathematics, University of Bristol UK (deadline: Mon 27 November 2017)

* Postdoctoral Positions in the Max Planck Research Group "Rigidity and Flexibility in PDEs" (deadline: Fri 1 December 2017)

* PhD Position in the Max Planck Research Group "Rigidity and Flexibility in PDEs" (deadline: Fri 1 December 2017)

* (NEW) Chairs in Mathematics and Statistical Science School of Mathematics, University of Bristol UK (deadline: Mon 4 December 2017)
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