[CvGmt News] Fwd: [CMC UD] ERC- Advanced Grant DyCon Postdoc Contract

GIUSEPPE BUTTAZZO giuseppe.buttazzo at unipi.it
Tue Oct 3 12:14:00 CEST 2017

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [CMC UD] ERC- Advanced Grant DyCon Postdoc Contract
Date: 03-10-2017 11:38
 From: Héctor Olmedo Rodríguez <hector.olmedo at deusto.es>

Dear colleague,

We are pleased to announce that the Chair of Computational Mathematics
[1] led by Enrique Zuazua [2] of the DeustoTech [3] Research Center in
Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain) offers a POSTDOCTORAL POSITION to carry
out mathematical and computational research in Partial Differential
Equations and their control, with excellent facilities within a
worldwide academic, research and technological network.

This position is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced
Grant “DYCON – Dynamic Control” [4].

Research activities will be focused in some of the priority lines of the
project, that will be identified accordingly to the candidate’s

Application submission and further information can be found in:


Please help us diffusing this call and contact Enrique Zuazua
(enrique.zuazua at deusto.es) for further information.

Kind regards.

Héctor Olmedo

Computational Technician

University of Deusto

Av. de las Universidades, 24

48007 Bilbao - Basque Country - Spain

Phone: 944 139 003 Ext: 3282

[1] http://cmc.deusto.es/about-the-chair/
[2] http://cmc.deusto.es/head-chair/
[3] http://deustotech.deusto.es/cs/Satellite/ingenieria/es/deustotech
[4] http://cmc.deusto.es/dycon/

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