[CvGmt News] Open Positions in Freiburg in geometric analysis

Luigi Ambrosio luigi.ambrosio at sns.it
Tue Jun 13 12:55:44 CEST 2017

-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: 	Open Positions
Data: 	Tue, 13 Jun 2017 12:27:14 +0200
Mittente: 	Ludmilla Frei <ludmilla.frei at math.uni-freiburg.de>
Rispondi-a: 	ludmilla.frei at math.uni-freiburg.de
A: 	Ambrosio, Luigi <l.ambrosio at sns.it>, Ammann, Bernd 
<bernd.ammann at mathematik.uni-regensburg.de>, 
pierre.berard at ujf-grenoble.fr, Besson, Gerard 
<G.Besson at ujf-grenoble.fr>, Blatt, Simon <simon.blatt at sbg.ac.at>, Bray, 
Hubert L. <bray at math.duke.edu>, Brendle, Simon 
<brendle at math.stanford.edu>, Buttazzo, Giuseppe <buttazzo at dm.unipi.it>, 
buyalo at pdmi.ras.ru, Cao, Huai-Dong <huc2 at lehigh.edu>, Cheung, L.-F. 
<lfcheung at math.cuhk.edu.hk>, Choe, Jaigyoung <choe at kias.re.kr>, 
Clutterbuck, Julie <julie.clutterbuck at maths.anu.edu.au>, Colding, Tobias 
<colding at math.mit.edu>, DalMaso, Gianni <dalmaso at sissa.it>, 
dalpasso at math.uniroma2.it, Daskalopoulos, Panagiota 
<pdaskalo at math.columbia.edu>, Deckelnick, Klaus 
<Klaus.Deckelnick at mathematik.uni-magdeburg.de>, De Lellis, Camillo 
<camillo.delellis at math.uzh.ch>, de Pauw, Tierry 
<depauw at math.jussieu.fr>, Delladio, Silvano <delladio at science.unitn.it>, 
Dierkes, Ulrich <dierkes at math.uni-duisburg.de>, Djadli, Zindine 
<Zindine.Djadli at ujf-grenoble.fr>, Dolzmann, Georg 
<georg.dolzmann at mathematik.uni-regensburg.de>, Druet, Olivier 
<Olivier.DRUET at math.univ-lyon1.fr>, Duzaar, Frank <duzaar at math.fau.de>, 
Ecker, Klaus <ecker at math.fu-berlin.de>, Escher, Joachim 
<escher at ifam.uni-hannover.de>, Esteban, Maria 
<esteban at ceremade.dauphine.fr>, Feldman, Mikhail 
<feldman at math.wisc.edu>, Figalli, Alessio <figalli at math.utexas.edu>, 
Fuchs, Martin <fuchs at math.uni-sb.de>, Fusco, Nicola 
<nicola.fusco at unina.it>, Garcke, Harald 
<harald.garcke at mathematik.uni-regensburg.de>, Gastel, Andreas 
<andreas.gastel at uni-due.de>, Ge, Yuxin <yuxin.ge at u-pec.fr>, Georgiev, 
Vladimir <georgiev at dm.unipi.it>, Giga, Yoshikazu 
<giga at math.sci.hokudai.ac.jp>, Große-Brauckmann, Karsten 
<kgb at mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de>, Grotowski, Joseph F. 
<grotow at maths.uq.edu.au>, Grün, Günter <gruen at am.uni-erlangen.de>, 
Grunau, Hans-Christocph <hans-christoph.grunau at ovgu.de>, Guan, Pengfei 
<guan at math.mcgill.ca>, Günther, Matthias <guenther at math.uni-leipzig.de>, 
Han, Qing <Qing.Han.7 at nd.edu>, Han, Zheng-Chao <zchan at math.rutgers.edu>, 
Haskins, Mark <m.haskins at imperial.ac.uk>, Hebey, Emmanuel 
<Emmanuel.Hebey at math.u-cergy.fr>, Hebey, Emmanuel <hebey at u-cergy.fr>, 
Helein, Frederic <helein at math.jussieu.fr>, Hornung, Peter 
<peter.hornung at tu-dresden.de>, Huiske, Gerhard 
<gerhard.huisken at uni-tuebingen.de>, Ilmanen, Tom 
<tom.ilmanen at math.ethz.ch>, Jerrard, Robert <rjerrard at math.toronto.edu>, 
Jost, Jürgen <jjost at mis.mpg.de>, Kirchheim, Bernd 
<kirchheim at math.uni-leipzig.de>, Kleiner, Bruce <bkleiner at cims.nyu.edu>, 
Klingenberg, Wilhelm <wilhelm.klingenberg at dur.ac.uk>, Koch, Herbert 
<koch at math.uni-bonn.de>, Kusner, Robert <kusner at math.umass.edu>, Lang, 
Urs <urs.lang at math.ethz.ch>, Malchiodi, Andrea 
<andrea.malchiodi at sns.it>, Kapouleas, Nicolaos <nicos at math.brown.edu>, 
Malek, Josef <malek at karlin.mff.cuni.cz>, Mantegazza, Carlo 
<c.mantegazza at sns.it>, Rafe Mazzeo <mazzeo at math.stanford.edu>, McCann, 
Robert <mccann at math.toronto.edu>, McCoy, James <jamesm at uow.edu.au>, 
Melcher, Christof <melcher at rwth-aachen.de>, Metzger, Jan 
<jan.metzger at uni-potsdam.de>, Mingione, Giuseppe 
<giuseppe.mingione at unipr.it>, Minicozzi, William 
<minicozz at math.jhu.edu>, Miquel, Vicente <miquel at uv.es>, von der Mosel, 
Heiko <heiko at instmath.rwth-aachen.de>, Moser, Roger 
<r.moser at maths.bath.ac.uk>, Domenico Mucci <domenico.mucci at unipr.it>, 
Müller, Reto <r.mueller at qmul.ac.uk>, Müller, Stefan 
<stefan.mueller at hcm.uni-bonn.de>, Naber, Aaron 
<anaber at math.northwestern.edu>, Nagasawa, Takeyuki 
<tnagasaw at rimath.saitama-u.ac.jp>, Niethammer, Barbara 
<niethammer at iam.uni-bonn.de>, Noelle, Sebastian 
<noelle at igpm.rwth-aachen.de>, Novaga, Matteo <novaga at dm.unipi.it>, 
Orlandi, Giandomenico <giandomenico.orlandi at univr.it>, Felix Otto 
<Felix.Otto at mis.mpg.de>, Pacard, Franc 
<frank.pacard at math.polytechnique.fr>, Pakzad, Mohhamad Reza 
<pakzad at pitt.edu>, Panchishkin, Alexei 
<Alexei.Pantchichkine at ujf-grenoble.fr>, Paolini, Emanuele 
<paolini at unipi.it>, Pinkall, Ulrich <pinkall at math.tu-berlin.de>, 
Poltier, Konrad <polthier at math.tu-berlin.de>, Pollack, Daniel 
<pollack at math.washington.edu>, Jie Qing <qing at ucsc.edu>, Racke, Reinhard 
<reinhard.racke at uni-konstanz.de>, Reichel, Wolfgang 
<Wolfgang.Reichel at math.uni-karlsruhe.de>, Ritore, Manuel 
<ritore at ugr.es>, Riviere, Tristan <tristan.riviere at math.ethz.ch>, 
Robert, Frederic <frederic.robert at univ-lorraine.fr>, Ros, Antonio 
<aros at ugr.es>, Rumpf, Martin <martin.rumpf at ins.uni-bonn.de>, Rupflin, 
Melanie <rupflin at math.uni-leipzig.de>, Sandier, Etienne 
<sandier at univ-paris12.fr>, Sauvigny, Friedrich 
<sauvigny at math.tu-cottbus.de>, Schätzle, Reiner 
<rscha at everest.mathematik.uni-tuebingen.de>, Schikorra, Armin 
<armin.schikorra at math.uni-freiburg.de>, Schnürer, Oliver 
<oliver.schnuerer at uni-konstanz.de>, Schoen, Richard 
<schoen at math.stanford.edu>, Schweizer, Ben 
<ben.schweizer at tu-dortmund.de>, Schwetlick, Hartmut R. 
<h.schwetlick at bath.ac.uk>, Sinestrari, Carlo <sinestra at mat.uniroma2.it>, 
Smoczyk, Knut <smoczyk at math.uni-hannover.de>, Strzelecki, Pawel 
<P.Strzelecki at mimuw.edu.pl>, Sturm, Karl-Theodor <sturm at uni-bonn.de>, 
Taimanov, Iskander A. <taimanov at math.nsc.ru>, Tarantello, Gabriella 
<tarantel at mat.uniroma2.it>, Tinaglia, Giuseppe 
<giuseppetinaglia at gmail.com>, Tuschmann, Wilderich 
<wtusch at math.uni-muenster.de>, Urbas, John 
<John.Urbas at maths.anu.edu.au>, Wang, Lihe <lwang at math.uiowa.edu>, Mu-Tao 
Wang <mtwang at cpw.math.columbia.edu>, WEISS, Georg Sebastian 
<georg.weiss at uni-due.de>, Weth, Tobias <weth at math.uni-frankfurt.de>, 
White, Brian <white at math.stanford.edu>, Wilking, Burkhard 
<wilking at math.uni-muenster.de>, Wolf, Michael <mwolf at math.rice.edu>, 
Wolfson, Jon <wolfson at math.mse.edu>, Xin, Zhouping 
<zpxin at ims.cuhk.edu.hk>, Yan, Xiaodong <xiaodong at math.uconn.edu>, Yang, 
Paul <yang at Math.Princeton.EDU>, Ye, Rugang <yer at math.ucsb.edu>, Yu, 
Zheng <zhyu at math.ecnu.edu.cn>, Zhou, Yi <yizhou at fudan.ac.cn>
CC: 	Kuwert, Ernst <ernst.kuwert at math.uni-freiburg.de>

Dear Colleague,

we would like to inform about the following openings:


in geometric analysis in Freiburg:

1 Postdoc, 3 + 3 years, as of 1.10.2017
1 PhD position, 3 years, as of 1.10.2017.

We kindly ask you to bring these positions
to the attention of potential candidates.

Best regards
Ernst Kuwert
Gruppe Analysis
Abteilung für Reine Mathematik
Mathematisches Institut der Universität
Eckerstr. 1  D-79104 Freiburg i. Br.

Phone: +49761 203-5585, -5586
Fax:   +49761 203-5541


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