[CvGmt News] Curves and Networks in Geometric Analysis - CRM Pisa, 26/30 June 2017

Carlo Mantegazza carlo.mantegazza at sns.it
Thu Feb 2 15:05:32 CET 2017

Workshop at the Centro De Giorgi in Pisa, 26-30 June 2017

"Curves and Networks in Geometric Analysis"

Optimization and evolution problems involving systems of curves and
surfaces, and more generally networks or branched structures are
ubiquitous: they arise in a variety of contexts, embracing classical
geometric problems such as mean curvature flow, Plateau problem and Steiner
tree problem, as well as more general geometric evolution problems of
physical interest and optimal (branched) transportation models in
economics, biology, image processing and data analysis. Such kind of
problems have attracted a lot of attention in recent years, and several
sophisticated tools from geometric analysis, partial differential equations
and geometric measure thery have been developed to handle, theoretically
and numerically, suitable weak notions of solutions and analyse the
presence or the formation of singularities within the models under
Aim of this workshop is to bring together senior experts in the geometric
analysis of curves, surface and networks with young researchers interested
to share state of-the-art techniques and different perspectives and point
of views in this research field.


Giovanni Bellettini (Univ. Siena)
Mauro Bonafini (Univ. Trento)
Annalisa Cesaroni (Univ. Padova)
Antonin Chambolle (Ecole Polytechnique)
Maria Colombo (ETH)
Anna Dall'Acqua (Univ. Ulm)
Guido De Philippis (SISSA)
Michael Goldman (Paris 7)
Emanuele Haus (Univ. Napoli)
Lami Kim (TITECH)
Tim Laux (Max-Planck Institute)
Gian Paolo Leonardi (Univ. Modena)
Francesco Maggi (ICTP)
Simon Masnou (Univ. Lione)
Cyrill Muratov (NJIT)
Emanuele Paolini (Univ. Pisa)
Alessandra Pluda (Univ. Regensburg)
Paola Pozzi (Univ. Essen)
Berardo Ruffini (Univ. Montpellier)
Oliver Schnürer (Univ. Konstanz)
Felix Schulze (Univ. College, London)
Luca Spolaor (MIT) <lspolaor at mit.edu>


Carlo Mantegazza
Matteo Novaga
Giandomenico Orlandi

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