[CvGmt News] Avviso seminario di matematica, prof. Cheng Jih-Hsin (10.05.16)

Michele Verde michele.verde at sns.it
Mon May 2 16:47:34 CEST 2016


*martedì 10 maggio 2016*

ore 15:00

*Scuola Normale Superiore*


Aula Tonelli

*Cheng Jih-Hsin*

*Academia Sinica*

Terrà un seminario dal titolo:

*“**A local index theorem for CR manifolds with $S^1$ action**”*


*Among those transversally elliptic operators initiated by Atiyah and
Singer, Kohn's $\Box_b$ operator on CR manifolds with $S^1$ action is a
natural one of geometric significance for complex analysts. Our main result
computes a local index density, in terms of \emph{tangential}
characteristic forms, on such manifolds including \emph{Sasakian manifolds}
of interest in String Theory. As applications of our CR index theorem we
can prove a CR version of Grauert-Riemenschneider criterion, and produce
many CR functions on a weakly pseudoconvex CR manifold with transversal
$S^1$ action and many CR sections on some class of CR manifolds, answering
some long-standing questions raised by Kohn and Henkin respectively.
Moreover in some cases, we can reinterpret Kawasaki's
Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch formula for a complex orbifold with an orbifold
holomorphic line bundle as an index theorem obtained by an integral over a
smooth CR manifold which is essentially the circle bundle of this line
bundle. This is joint work with Chin-Yu Hsiao and I-Hsun Tsai*

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

Classe di Scienze

Matematiche e Naturali


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Michele VERDE
Scuola Normale Superiore

Servizio alla didattica e allievi
Piazza Dei Cavalieri, 7
I - 56126 Pisa

Tel. 050-509048
E-Mail: michele.verde at sns.it
E-Mail: classi at sns.it
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