[CvGmt News] Fwd: Position at EPF Lausanne (Urgent)

Luigi Ambrosio luigi.ambrosio at sns.it
Wed Mar 30 14:33:15 CEST 2016

-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: 	Position at EPF Lausanne (Urgent)
Data: 	Wed, 30 Mar 2016 14:28:41 +0200
Mittente: 	Marc Troyanov <marc.troyanov at epfl.ch>
A: 	SCHLENK Felix <felix.schlenk at unine.ch>, Jean-Marc Schlenker 
<jmschlenker at gmail.com>, Stefan Wenger <stefan.wenger at unifr.ch>, 
victor.bangert at math.uni-freiburg.de, Andrea Malchiodi 
<malchiod at sissa.it>, Andreas Bernig <bernig at math.uni-frankfurt.de>, 
Stefano Pigola <stefano.pigola at uninsubria.it>, Daniele Bartolucci 
<bartoluc at axp.mat.uniroma2.it>, vladimir matveev 
<vladimir.s.matveev at googlemail.com>, xdli at amt.ac.cn, Frédéric Paulin 
<Frederic.Paulin at math.u-psud.fr>, Bourdon Marc 
<marc.bourdon at math.univ-lille1.fr>, Delanoë <Philippe.Delanoe at unice.fr>, 
Jerome Vetois <Jerome.Vetois at unice.fr>, Marc Bourdon 
<Marc.Bourdon at math.univ-lille1.fr>, yves.benoist at math.univ-psud.fr, 
Besson Gérard <G.Besson at ujf-grenoble.fr>, gilles.courtois at imj-prg.fr, 
Damien Gaboriau <Damien.gaboriau at ens-lyon.fr>, christophe pittet 
<pittet at cmi.univ-mrs.fr>, Hervé Pajot <Herve.Pajot at ujf-grenoble.fr>, 
Pierre Pansu <pierre.pansu at math.u-psud.fr>, VALETTE Alain 
<Alain.Valette at unine.ch>, John M Mackay <john.mackay at bristol.ac.uk>, 
puschnig at iml.univ-mrs.fr, Francoise Dal'Bo-Milonet 
<francoise.dalbo at univ-rennes1.fr>, 
Jean-Claude.Picaud at lmpt.univ-tours.fr, gilles carron 
<Gilles.Carron at univ-nantes.fr>, Athanase Papadopoulos 
<papadop at math.unistra.fr>, Marc Herzlich 
<marc.herzlich at umontpellier.fr>, babenko at math.univ-montp2.fr, 
rui.albuquerque at unito.it, eaubry at unice.fr, pierre-m.bayard at laposte.net, 
laurent.bessieres at math.u-bordeaux1.fr, boughazi.hichem at yahoo.fr, 
chang at math.princeton.edu, COLBOIS Bruno <Bruno.Colbois at unine.ch>, 
jcortier at ihes.fr, delphi at unice.fr, erwann delay 
<erwann.delay at univ-avignon.fr>, dumitres at unice.fr, 
elsoufi at univ-tours.fr, jeremie.fougeirol at free.fr, 
Francois.Gautero at unice.fr, ge at u-pec.fr, 
romain.gicquaud at lmpt.univ-tours.fr, daracaseygold at gmail.com, 
jean-francois.grosjean at univ-lorraine.fr, guan at math.mcgill.ca, 
cguillar at dma.ens.fr, humbert at univ-tours.fr, pjammes at unice.fr, 
stkim at inha.ac.kr, lanzetta at unice.fr, lascar at unice.fr, 
paul.laurain at imj-prg.fr, Zoltan Balogh <zoltan.balogh at math.unibe.ch>, 
baladi at math.jussieu.fr, gregoire.montcouquiol at math.u-psud.fr, 
mayukh at live.unc.edu, Judit Abardia <juditab at mat.uab.cat>, 
solanes at mat.uab.cat, seddik.ouakkas at gmail.com, 
frank.pacard at math.polytechnique.fr, patrachinmoy at yahoo.co.in, 
qin at math.unistra.fr, simon.raulot at univ-rouen.fr, 
ludovic.rifford at math.cnrs.fr, tristan.riviere at fim.math.ethz.ch, 
frederic.robert at univ-lorraine.fr, julien.roth at u-pem.fr, 
aida.sahmurova at okan.edu.tr, joerg.seiler at unito.it, 
veli.sahmurov at okan.edu.tr, shuaibyousuf6 at gmail.com, 
pieralberto.sicbaldi at univ-amu.fr, kamel tahri <tahri_kamel at yahoo.fr>, 
Peter Topping <p.m.topping at warwick.ac.uk>, Marc Troyanov 
<marc.troyanov at epfl.ch>, dveloso at cmi.univ-mrs.fr, Besson Gérard 
<g.besson at ujf-grenoble.fr>, lebeau at unice.fr, Fabrice.Planchon at unice.fr, 
Pierre.Raphael at unice.fr, Lizhen Ji <lji at umich.edu>, Remi Langevin 
<Remi.Langevin at u-bourgogne.fr>, Alvarez Paiva Juan-Carlos 
<Juan-Carlos.Alvarez-Paiva at math.univ-lille1.fr>, 
gdrplatonami at math.u-psud.fr, PARLIER Hugo <hugo.parlier at unifr.ch>, Urs 
Lang <lang at math.ethz.ch>, Ilkka O Holopainen <iholopai at cc.helsinki.fi>, 
Prof. Michael Struwe <struwe at math.ethz.ch>, Zahra Sinaei 
<zsinaee at gmail.com>, Christina Sormani <sormanic at gmail.com>, 
nicolas.dutertre at univ-amu.fr, Alberto Setti 
<alberto.setti at uninsubria.it>, Luigi Ambrosio <l.ambrosio at sns.it>, 
boris.dubrovin at sissa.it, Rafe Mazzeo <mazzeo at math.Stanford.EDU>, 
cheeger at cims.nyu.edu, morvan jean-marie <morvanjeanmarie at yahoo.fr>

Dear Colleague,

Let me inform you about some job opening at EPFL  for junior mathematicians
(in particular working in Geometry)

	One year PostDoc : http://wiki.epfl.ch/grtr/postdoc2016

	Two years Instructorships (possibly renewable) : https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/7173

The deadlines for applications are very short :  April 4 and April 30

Best wishes,

Marc Troyanov

Section de Mathématiques
Bâtiment MA - Station 8
CH-1015 Lausanne

Le 14 mars 2016 à 17:32, Marc Troyanov a écrit :

> Chers et distingués collègues
> Merci de transmettre l'information suivante à de jeunes chercheurs
> qui pourraient être intéressé par un post-doc à l'EPFL.
> Les domaines visés sont géométrie, analyse et  algèbre.
> Attention le délais est très court.
> L'information est ici  http://wiki.epfl.ch/grtr/postdoc2016
> Cordialement,
> Marc Troyanov
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Section de Mathématiques
> Bâtiment MA - Station 8
> CH-1015 Lausanne
> Switzerland

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