[CvGmt News] [cvgmt] weekly bulletin

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Fri Jun 10 12:00:01 CEST 2016

Weekly bulletin for http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---
* New papers by: Agnieszka , Ruf, Gazzola, Cicalese, De Lellis, Barilari, Boscain, Lamboley, Santambrogio, Scala, Fragalà, Privat, Pierre, Neel, Novruzi, Rocca, Costea, Solombrino, Dweik, Dambrine, Kateb, Sicbaldi, Laurain, Nadin, Gwiazda
* Modified papers by: Ambrosio, Paoli, Solci, Bardi, Ruf, Cesaroni, Braides, Caroccia, Cicalese, Scheven, Agrachev, De Lellis, Colombo, Barilari, Boscain, Spadaro, Beck, Figalli, Marchi , Carlen, Honda, Gobbino, Spolaor, Maggi, Solombrino, Dirr, Schmidt

--- New Papers ---
* Cicalese, Ruf, Solombrino: On global and local minimizers of prestrained thin elastic rods
* Barilari, Boscain, Neel: Heat kernel asymptotics on sub-Riemannian manifolds with symmetries and applications to the bi-Heisenberg group
* Dweik, Santambrogio: Summability estimates on transport densities with Dirichlet regions on the boundary via symmetrization techniques
* Fragalà, Gazzola, Lamboley: Sharp bounds for the p-torsion of convex planar domains
* Dambrine, Kateb, Lamboley: An extremal eigenvalue problem for the Wentzell-Laplace operator
* Lamboley, Sicbaldi: New examples of extremal domains for the first eigenvalue of the Laplace-Beltrami operator in a Riemannian manifold with boundary
* Lamboley, Novruzi, Pierre: Estimates of First and Second Order Shape Derivatives in Nonsmooth Multidimensional Domains and Applications
* Lamboley, Laurain, Nadin, Privat: Properties of minimizers of the principal eigenvalue with indefinite weight and robin conditions
* Lamboley, Pierre: Regularity of Optimal Spectral domains
* Costea: Sobolev-Lorentz spaces in the Euclidean setting and counterexamples
* Agnieszka , De Lellis, Gwiazda: Transport equation with integral terms
* De Lellis: The masterpieces of John Forbes Nash Jr.
* Rocca, Scala: A rigorous sharp interface limit of a diffuse interface model related to tumor growth

--- Modified Papers ---
* Agrachev, Barilari, Boscain: Introduction to Riemannian and Sub-Riemannian geometry
* Beck, Schmidt: Interior gradient regularity for $\rm BV$ minimizers of singular variational problems
* Caroccia, Maggi: A sharp quantitative version of Hales' isoperimetric honeycomb theorem
* Schmidt: $\rm BV$ Minimizers of Variational Integrals: Existence, Uniqueness, Regularity
* Cicalese, Ruf, Solombrino: Chirality transitions in frustrated $S^{2}$-valued spin systems
* Carlen, Maggi: Stability for the Brunn-Minkowski and Riesz rearrangement inequalities, with applications to Gaussian concentration and finite range non-local isoperimetry
* De Lellis, Spadaro, Spolaor: Regularity theory for $2$-dimensional almost minimal currents I: Lipschitz approximation
* Scheven, Schmidt: An Anzellotti type pairing for divergence-measure fields and a notion of weakly super-1-harmonic functions
* Scheven, Schmidt: BV supersolutions to equations of 1-Laplace and minimal surface type
* De Lellis: $2$-dimensional almost area minimizing currents
* Braides, Colombo, Gobbino, Solci: Minimizing movements along a sequence of functionals and curves of maximal slope
* Cesaroni, Dirr, Marchi : Homogenization of a mean field game system in the small noise limit
* Agrachev, Barilari, Paoli: Volume geodesic distortion and Ricci curvature for Hamiltonian dynamics
* Figalli: A transportation approach to universality in random matrix theory
* Bardi, Cesaroni: Liouville properties and critical value of fully nonlinear elliptic operators
* Ambrosio, Honda: New stability results for sequences of metric measure spaces with uniform Ricci bounds from below

--- Open Positions ---
* Research assistant position at Trento University (deadline: Thu 16 June 2016)

* 3 open positions (2 doc / 1 postdoc) (deadline: Sun 31 July 2016)

* PhD studentship on Numerical methods for higher-order nonlinear partial differential equations (deadline: Thu 1 September 2016)
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