[CvGmt News] seminario Frankowska 1/12

Daniele Castorina castorin at math.unipd.it
Thu Nov 26 10:36:05 CET 2015

Cari colleghi,

vi segnalo il prossimo seminario di ED a Roma Tor Vergata:

*Martedi I Dicembre 2015 h.15:00 Aula dal Passo

Helene Frankowska (CNRS Jussieu, UPMC, Paris)

On Second Order Necessary Conditions in Optimal Control


*This talk is devoted to second order necessary optimality*


*conditions in optimal control. We first discuss the appropriate*


*notions of second order tangents and normals and use them to state *


* necessary optimaly conditions for a general minimization problem 
subject to closed constraints. *




*We derive next  second order conditions in the form of integral 
inequalities for the Mayer optimal control problem. This, in*


*turn, leads to several pointwise conditions. In particular, with every 
optimal control it is possible to associate a matrix *

*solution of an adjoint matrix differential equation that satisfies a 
second-order transversality condition and a *

*second-order maximality condition. Furthermore, a pointwise Jacobson 
like necessary optimality condition for general control *

*systems and ``partially singular" optimal controls follows from the 
derived integral inequalities. *

Daniele Castorina
Stanza 539 – Torre Archimede
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Padova
Via Trieste, 63 - 35121 Padova
Tel.: (+39) 0498271429
Email: castorin at math.unipd.it
Homepage: http://www.math.unipd.it/~castorin/

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