[CvGmt News] [CVGMT] weekly bulletin

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Fri Nov 13 12:00:02 CET 2015

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---
* Events: Fall Semester 2015 in Analysis, Lyon
, 19th Internet Seminar: Infinite Dimensional Analysis
* Seminars by: Lu, Schioppa
* New papers by: Mooney, Pluda, Trevisan, Braides, Chiodaroli, Wiedemann, Feireisl, Kreml, Cancedda, Riolo, Figalli, Novaga, Martelli, Stepanov, Chiadò Piat, De Lellis, Jhaveri* Modified papers by: Rigoli, Ambrosio, Magni, Erhardt, Bouchut, Burger, Catino, Bohun, Monticelli, Zeppieri, Esposito, Crippa, De Philippis, De Rosa, Mastrolia, Monticelli, Novaga, Ghiraldin
--- Events ---
Fall Semester 2015 in Analysis, Lyon
Tuesday 1 sep 2015 -- Thursday 31 dec 2015
Lyon, France
From September 1 to December 31, 2015 a semester in Analysis will take place in Lyon, France, with the following main events:

- Workshop Analysis in Lyon (October 26-30, 2015); on Thursday October 29, Luigi Ambrosio will be awarded a "doctorat honoris causa" from the École normale supérieure de Lyon.

- Winter school on nonlinear function spaces in mathematics and physical sciences (December 14-18, 2015)

During the semester, the École normale supérieure de Lyon and the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 will host short and long term visitors. 

The scientific committee of the semester is the following:

- Stefano Bianchini (SISSA Trieste)

- Albert Fathi (École normale supérieure de Lyon)

- Alessio Figalli (University of Texas at Austin)

- Petru Mironescu (Université Lyon 1)

19th Internet Seminar: Infinite Dimensional Analysis
Tuesday 13 oct 2015 -- Saturday 4 jun 2016
Final Worshop in Casalmaggiore, Cremona (Italy), May 30th to June 4th 2016
The I-Sem is a well-established series of courses in the field of Mathematical Analysis.
It introduces master, Ph.D. students and postdocs to subjects related to functional analysis and evolution equations.
As usual, the course consists of three phases.

Phase 1 (October-February) The organisers provide a weekly lecture via the ISem website. The participants are expected to study the lecture notes, to solve the proposed problems, to post their remarks and questions in the website, and to post the solutions of the problems, in turn. Participants belonging to the same institution are encouraged to collaborate, possibly under the supervision of a senior local coordinator.

Phase 2 (February-May) The participants form small international groups to work on various projects which supplement the theory of Phase 1 and provide some applications. Each group is coordinated by a senior mathematician who provides bibliographical material and help.

Phase 3 (30 May-4 June, 2016) A final one-week workshop will be held at Istituto Santa Chiara,  Casalmaggiore, Cremona (Italy). There the teams will present their projects and some additional lectures  will be delivered by leading experts.

The virtual lecturers are Alessandra Lunardi, Michele Miranda and Diego Pallara and the topic is "Infinite dimensional analysis". For more details we refer to the page http:////dmi.unife.it//isem19.

--- Seminars next week ---
* Monday 16 nov 2015

time: 14:00
Scuola Normale Superiore,  Aula Bianchi Scienze
Convexity of the extended Mabuchi energy and the large time behaviour of the weak Calabi flow
Chinh Lu 
Abstract. Let X be  a compact Kahler manifold. In this talk we first establish the convexity of the Mabuchi energy along finite energy geodesics in the competion of the space of Kahler metrics (the case of C^1,1 geodesics was proved by Berman-Berndtsson). Secondly,  following the program of J. Streets we use this to study the  asymptotics of the weak  Calabi flow which is  the gradient flow of the  Mabuchi energy in the CAT(0) space of Kahler metrics. This flow exists for all times and coincide with the smooth one whenever the latter exists. We show that it either diverges or it converges, in the  pluripotential sense,  to some minimiser of the functional. This gives the first concrete result about the long time convergence of this flow on general Kahler manifolds, partially confirming a conjecture of Donaldson.  This is joint work with Robert Berman and Tamas Darvas http://arxiv.org/abs/1510.01260.   

* Wednesday 18 nov 2015

time: 17:00
Aula Seminari Dipartimento di Matematica di Pisa 
Some pathological examples in Analysis on Metric Spaces
Andrea Schioppa 
Abstract. I will discuss some recent examples of metric measure spaces which, on the one hand, are "nice" enough to admit first order calculus, and on the other hand exhibit some unexpected behavior. I will focus mainly on spaces admitting abstract Poincare' inequalities and, time permitting, I might discuss some examples regarding metric currents. The talk will be at an introductory level and thus no previous knowledge of Analysis on Metric Spaces is assumed.
Part is joint work with B. Kleiner.

--- New Papers ---
* Braides, Cancedda, Chiadò Piat: Homogenization of metrics in oscillating manifolds
* Martelli, Novaga, Pluda, Riolo: Spines of minimal length
* Stepanov, Trevisan: Three superposition principles: currents, continuity equations and curves of measures
* Chiodaroli, Feireisl, Kreml, Wiedemann: A-free Rigidity and Applications to the Compressible Euler System
* De Lellis: $2$-dimensional almost area minimizing currents
* Figalli, Jhaveri, Mooney: Nonlinear bounds in Hölder spaces for the Monge-Ampère equation
--- Modified Papers ---
* Ambrosio: Lecture Notes on Optimal Transport Problems
* Catino, Mastrolia, Monticelli, Rigoli: Analytic and geometric properties of generic Ricci solitons
* Erhardt: Higher integrability for solutions to parabolic problems with irregular obstacles and nonstandard growth
* Catino, Mastrolia, Monticelli: Classification of expanding and steady Ricci solitons with integral curvature decay
* De Philippis, De Rosa, Ghiraldin: A direct approach to Plateau's problem in any codimension
* Burger, Esposito, Zeppieri: Second-order edge-penalization in the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional
* Magni, Novaga: A note on non lower semicontinuous perimeter functionals on partitions
* Bohun, Bouchut, Crippa: Lagrangian solutions to the 2D Euler system with $L^1$ vorticity and infinite energy
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