[CvGmt News] [CVGMT] weekly bulletin

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Fri Apr 10 12:00:02 CEST 2015

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---
* Events: Intensive Period on "Variational Methods for Plasticity and Dislocations"
, Trimester "Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces" in Madrid
* New papers by: Solombrino, Rossi, Bongini, Fornasier* Modified papers by: Toader, Mugnai, Dal Maso, Beck, Orlando, Rinaldi, Schmidt
--- Events ---
Intensive Period on "Variational Methods for Plasticity and Dislocations"
Monday 23 feb 2015 -- Friday 15 may 2015
SISSA, Trieste, Italy
An intensive period on "Variational Methods for Plasticity and Dislocations" will take place at SISSA, Trieste.
The activities will be organized around one-week minicourses, with daily lectures.

The invited lecturers are:

Amit Acharya (Carnegie Mellon University)

Roberto Alicandro (Università di Cassino)

Andrea Braides (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)

Marco Cicalese (Technische Universität München)

Sergio Conti (Universität Bonn)

Gilles Francfort (Université Paris-Nord)

Adriana Garroni (Sapienza - Università di Roma)

Alessandro Giacomini (Università di Brescia)

Cyril Imbert (Université Paris-Est, Créteil)

Giovanni Leoni (Carnegie Mellon University)

Jean-Jacques Marigo (École Polytechnique, Palaiseau)

Alexander Mielke (WIAS and Humboldt-Universität, Berlin)

Mark Peletier (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven) (to be confirmed)

Marcello Ponsiglione (Sapienza - Università di Roma)

Tomas Roubicek (Charles University)

Giuseppe Savaré (Università di Pavia)

Lucia Scardia (University of Bath)

Ulisse Stefanelli (Universität Wien)

Talks on related subjects will be given by the participants and by other visitors.
Funds will be available to support a limited number of early-career participants.
Trimester "Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces" in Madrid
Wednesday 1 apr 2015 -- Tuesday 30 jun 2015
ICMAT, Madrid, Spain
The purpose of this message is to draw your attention to a Research Term on
Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces that will take place at ICMAT (Madrid,
Spain) in April-June 2015.

We are organizing a series of activities at ICMAT which will bring together a
number of first rank specialists in this growing trend. They consist of four
introductory courses to this subject, a series of seminars and one large workshop.
The courses will take place in May 2015, so that non-specialists interested in
learning something about this new field will be more prepared to face the
subsequent workshop (from June 1st to June 5th). This will serve as a platform to
launch a number of specialized seminars in June. There will also be a few seminars
(or a less specialized character) in April.

The organization will offer a number of grants for young researchers covering
accomodation for 6 weeks, including the introductory courses and the workshop.

More information will appear in the web (see below)

We kindly ask you to forward this announcement to anyone you think might be
interested, and we hope to meet you in Madrid in some of these activities. Thank
you very much for your help.

--- New Papers ---
* Bongini, Fornasier, Rossi, Solombrino: Mean-field Pontryagin Maximum Principle
--- Modified Papers ---
* Mugnai, Rinaldi: Spinning Q-balls in Abelian Gauge Theories with positive potentials: existence and non existence
* Beck, Schmidt: Convex duality and uniqueness for $\rm BV$-minimizers
* Dal Maso, Orlando, Toader: Laplace equation in a domain with a rectilinear crack: higher order derivatives of the energy with respect to the crack length
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