[CvGmt News] [CVGMT] weekly bulletin

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Fri Oct 17 12:00:02 CEST 2014

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---
* New papers by: Lazzaroni, Rossi, Ikoma, Toader, Malchiodi, Lussardi, Thomas, Slepcev, Mondino, Lu* Modified papers by: Ponosov, Ambrosio, Georgiev, Mondino, Buttazzo, Sobolevski, Santambrogio, Rizzi, De Cicco, Crasta, Maggi, De Philippis, Paolini, Franzina, Novaga, Palatucci, Teplitskaya, Stepanov, Barilari, Savaré--- New Papers ---
* Lussardi: On a Poisson's equation arising from magnetism
* Lazzaroni, Rossi, Thomas, Toader: Rate-independent damage in thermo-viscoelastic materials with inertia
* Lu, Slepcev: Average-distance problem for parameterized curves
* Ikoma, Malchiodi, Mondino: Embedded area-constrained Willmore tori  of small area in Riemannian three-manifolds I: Minimization
--- Modified Papers ---
* Ponosov, Stepanov: Atomic operators, random dynamical systems and invariant measures
* Buttazzo, Santambrogio, Stepanov: Asymptotic optimal location of facilities in a competition between population and industries
* Paolini, Stepanov: Existence and regularity results for the Steiner problem
* Novaga, Sobolevski, Stepanov: Droplet condensation and isoperimetric towers
* Georgiev, Stepanov: Metric cycles, curves and solenoids
* Barilari, Rizzi: A formula for Popp's volume in sub-Riemannian geometry
* Mondino: A new notion of angle between three points in a metric space
* Franzina, Palatucci: Fractional $p$-eigenvalues
* Paolini, Stepanov, Teplitskaya: An example of an infinite Steiner tree connecting an uncountable set
* Ambrosio, Mondino, Savaré: On the Bakry-\'Emery condition, the gradient estimates and the Local-to-Global property of $RCD^*(K,N)$ metric measure spaces
* De Philippis, Maggi: Regularity of free boundaries in anisotropic capillarity problems and the validity of Young's law
* Crasta, De Cicco, De Philippis: Kinetic formulation and uniqueness for scalar conservation laws with discontinuous flux
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