[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE]

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Fri Oct 10 18:06:38 CEST 2014

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE
Da:      "CHAMPION Thierry" <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Data:    Ven, 10 Ottobre 2014 14:52
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr

Lettre MODE
octobre 2014

Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte �
champion at univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois.

Pri�re d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet.

L'inscription et la d�sinscription automatiques se font en �crivant �
lettre-mode-smai-request at emath.fr
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Vous pouvez �galement retrouver les lettres MODE sur le site :


Table des mati�res

-- Th�ses et Postes
1- PhD position in Continuous optimization, Goettingen
2- Post-Doc with Achdou and Benamou, Paris
3- Post-Doc position on Stochastic Equilibrium problems at Paris-Sud
4- Post-doctoral position in optimization at University of Calgary
5- Poste PR Optimisation-Contr�le-Imagerie-Probl�mes inverses �
6- Open Position, Mathematical Optimization, NAG, Oxford

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements
7- Annonces de s�minaires
8- PGMO-COPI'14 registration till October 19th
9- Doc-Course 2015: Applied Mathematics and Optimization
10- BFG'15, Brittish-French-German Conference on Optimization, 15-17
June 2015, London

-- Autres
11- paru dans Quadrature : La g�om�trie du triangle et l'optimisation
convexe font bon m�nage

1- PhD position in Continuous optimization, Goettingen
(source : M. Th�ra)

Applications are invited for a PhD POSITION in
Numerical and Applied Mathematics, University of Goettingen (Germany).

International collaboration: this is a joint project with Prof. Marc Teboulle
at Tel Aviv University, and affiliate researcher Shoham Sabach at the
Technion in Haifa. The broad themes to be explored involve analysis of
first-order methods for structured, nonconvex optimization.
The Isreali and German teams will meet approximately twice
a year (once in Isreal and once at Goettingen) to coordinate efforts, and
will be in close contact throughout the period of research.

Administrative information: The position is a scholarship position, and
conforms to the provisions of the TV-L E13 (federal rate, 75%, depending on
qualification and expertise). Schoarship duration is 3 years. The University
of Goettingen is committed to increasing the numbers of underrepresented
groups pursuing higher degrees.  The Institute for Applied and Numerical
Mathematics at Goettingen particularly strives to promote the careers of
women in the matheamtical sciences.

Start date: January 1, 2015 or as soon thereafter as possible.
Please send your application including relevant documents (cv,
transcripts, names
and  contact information of recommenders) by November 7, 2014 to:
Prof. Dr. Russell Luke, r.luke at math.uni-goettingen.de

2- Post-Doc with Achdou and Benamou, Paris
(source : M. Th�ra)

Please find at link below a proposal for a one-year postdoctoral
position in  Paris :


Do not hesitate to circulate.

3- Post-Doc position on Stochastic Equilibrium problems at Paris-Sud
(source : A. Lisser, M. Th�ra)

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position on stochastic
and bilevel problems at University Paris Sud.
For more information, please contact :

Abdel Lisser,
email : Abdel.Lisser at lri.fr

4- Post-doctoral position in optimization at University of Calgary
(source : M. Th�ra)

As a part of Collaborative Research Group on Optimization: Theory,
Applications and Algorithms
partly funded by Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences
(PIMS), applications are invited
for a post-doctoral position in optimization at University of Calgary,
Calgary AB Canada.
The position is for 1-year, with possible extension to 2 years,
tentatively starting in Fall
2014 or Winter of 2015.

A successful candidate should hold or be close to completion of a PhD
in Mathematics, Applied
Mathematics, Computer Science, Operations Research or related area.

Of primary interest are applicants interested in the following topics:
-       computational methods for solving conic optimization problems
over p-cones, and/or
-       applications of optimization to optimal radiotherapy treatment
planning, and/or
-       curvature of the central path.
Alternative PDF research proposals will also be considered.

The application documents, including research statement, short CV, and
3 reference letters, are to
be submitted by email to Dr. Yuriy Zinchenko
(http://people.ucalgary.ca/~yzinchen/) at
yzinchen at ucalgary.ca with the subject line ?CRG PDF application?.

Some general information of PIMS PDF position and the application
procedure may be found at


5- Poste PR Optimisation-Contr�le-Imagerie-Probl�mes inverses �
(source : J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty)

Un poste de Professeur sera vraisemblablement publi� en 2015 �
l'universit� Paul Sabatier de
Toulouse, dans les th�matiques suivantes :
Optimisation-Contr�le-Imagerie-Probl�mes inverses.

Les candidats int�ress�s et motiv�s peuvent s'adresser aux coll�gues
sur place, en particulier
� : J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty, F. Malgouyres, J.-P. Raymond et P. Bousquet

6- Open Position, Mathematical Optimization, NAG, Oxford
(source : D. Aussel)

The development team at The Numerical Algorithms Group(NAG) is seeking
an appropriate specialist in mathematical optimization (e.g. LP, QP,
NLP and Mixed Integer problems)...

- Experience of developing solvers for relevant problem types
- Strong programming skills in Fortran or C/C++
- Experience in applying optimization techniques to real-world
- A desire to apply skills in code development to a commercial
- An aptitude for helping practitioners to solve difficult problems
- Advanced degree in numerical analysis or similar

More information:

Closing date 1 November 2014

7- Annonces de s�minaires
(sources: T. Bayen, P.L. Combettes, V. Fruchard, J. Lamboley, B.
Montjardet, A. Rondepierre, G. Vigeral)

Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les s�minaires ayant
lieu ce mois-ci et organis�s dans nos laboratoires.
N'h�sitez pas � l'alimenter, pr�f�rentiellement via un lien vers
la page du s�minaire et une liste de conf�renciers,

S�minaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP, salle 05 ou 421)


lundi 17 novembre :
14h : V. Millot (Paris Diderot)

S�minaire du programme PGMO, Amphi 2329 (ENSTA)


Groupe de Travail CalVa (Univ. Paris-Dauphine, salle P303)

contact : lamboley at ceremade.dauphine.fr

lundi 13 octobre :
10h : C. Lena (Paris-Sud)
11h : F. Murat (Paris 6)
S�minaire Pluridisciplinaire d'Optimisation de Toulouse (lieu : voir site)


Lundi 3 novembre :
14h : P. Cardaliaguet (U. Paris-Dauphine)
15h : C. Gruen (U. Toulouse 1)

S�minaire SAMOCOD (s�minaire Avignon Montpellier Optimisation Contr�le
et Dynamique)

jeudi 6 novembre (Universit� d'Avignon)
14h : P. Mar�chal (U. paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
15h15 : A. Seeger (U. d'Avignon)

S�minaire Parisien de Th�orie des Jeux (IHP, salle 05, 201 ou 314)


lundi 13 octobre : E. Baldwin (Oxford)
lundi 27 octobre : M. Lombardi (Glasgow)

S�minaire de Math�matiques Discr�tes, Optimisation et D�cision,
de la Sorbonne et Universit� Paris 1


vendredi 31 ocotbre : Journ�e sp�ciale en l'honneur de Bernard Monjardet
Vendredi 7 novembre : Journ�e OSGAD


8- PGMO-COPI'14 registration till October 19th
(source : PGMO)

We have the pleasure to inform you that registrations for the
PGMO-COPI Conference,
organised on 28-31 october at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris-Saclay
France, are open
till October 19th.

You can register by following this link:

A provisionnal program (which is still subject to changes) has been

The Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization and operations research
(PGMO), launched
by EDF and the Jacques Hadamard Mathematical Foundation (FMJH), is a
new type of
corporate patronage whose aim is to foster, liven up a mathematical
community of
researchers coming from academia and industry, working in the field of
optimization and
opera�tion research from academic themes to industrial issues.

The Conference on Optimization and Practices in Industry (COPI) is
devoted to applied
op�timization techniques used in a wide range of industrial problems
(energy, banking,
trans�portation and network management). The purpose is to bring
together Academics
and Industrials to share different experiences and discuss future
trends related to this area.
This year, a joint conference PGMO-COPI?14 will be held on October
28th to 31st 2014,
Ecole Polytechnique in Paris-Saclay. Both theoretical and practical
issues will be considered.

9- Doc-Course 2015: Applied Mathematics and Optimization
(source : J. Koko)

This activity is co-organized by the Basque Center for Applied
Mathematics (BCAM), the University
of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) and the Institute of Mathematics of
the University of Sevilla (IMUS).
It is addressed to beginner and intermediate graduate students from
institutions all over the world
interested in Applied Mathematics, Optimization and related areas.
Official language is English and
participants will receive a  diploma of the organizing institutions
certifying good performance.

The Doc-Course is a twelve-weeks intensive school from 2nd March till
29th May, 2015 and it consists
of four weeks of courses in Seville, 6 weeks of research activity
under the guidance of specialized
supervisors and two Workshops (the 5th week in Seville and the last
week in Bilbao) where the
participants will have the opportunity to report on the work made
during the whole course.

The applicants should fill out the online form available at the link:


Those wishing to be considered for financial support should indicate
in their application form. This
financial support will cover lodging and food during the whole
doc-course for up to 20 non-resident
students, and trips Bilbao-Sevilla for all students. The applicants
should cover the inscription fees
(EUR 200). There are 25 positions.

For futher information, please visit the Doc-Course website:


We kindly ask you to distribute this call among colleagues and
potential candidates. Please do not
hesitate to contact us for any additional information.

Dr Jonas KOKO         http://www.isima.fr/~jkoko

10- BFG'15, Brittish-French-German Conference on Optimization, 15-17
June 2015, London
(source : J.-B. Caillau, J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty)

Le prochain colloque BFG d'optimisation se tiendra � Londres � la
mi-juin 2015 ; BFG est l'acronyme
pour British-French-German. Voir les infos dans le site web ci-apr�s :


Quelques pr�cisions :
- Apr�s AFG'11 � Toulouse et FGP'13 � Cracovie, BFG'15 se
d�roulera �
Londres. Les dates retenues
sont un peu inhabituelles, en juin plut�t qu'en septembre. Ce sont des
contraintes de disponibilit�
d'amphis et de salles � Imperial College qui ont conduit � ce choix.
- Initialement, � Cracovie notamment, ce colloque avait �t� programm�
en France (en r�gion parisienne
ou en Normandie). Les organisateurs pressentis ne pouvant donner suite
facilement cette fois-ci, nos
coll�gues anglais ont fait la proposition au-dessus.
- Londres est une ville ch�re, ce qui fait qu'on l'�carte souvent pour
organiser des colloques. Nos
coll�gues londoniens nous ont assur� de disponibilit�s � des prix
raisonnables dans le sud-ouest de
Londres � cette �poque-l�.

 From the organizers :
We would like to draw your attention to the 17th British-French-German
Conference on Optimization held at Imperial College London, UK, on
June 15th-17th, 2015. The conference will address all aspects of
optimization and its applications, including optimization theory and
algorithm design, robust and stochastic optimization, variational
inequalities and convex analysis as well as applications in control
theory, energy, finance, operations management and engineering. More
information about the conference series, which started in Oberwolfach
in 1980, can be found at http://optimisation.doc.ic.ac.uk/bfg2015.
Further enquiries can also be sent to bfg2015 at imperial.ac.uk.

05 Jan '15: Extended abstract submission opening
27 Feb '15: Proposals deadline for invited sessions
06 Mar '15: Submission deadline for extended abstracts
13 Mar '15: Notification of abstract acceptance
08 May '15: Early registration deadline

11- paru dans Quadrature : La g�om�trie du triangle et l'optimisation
convexe font bon m�nage
(source : J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty)

Paru dans QUADRATURE (num�ro d'octobre-d�cembre 2014), l'article-revue
de popularisation suivant :

La g�om�trie du triangle et l'optimisation convexe font bon m�nage...
par Jean-Baptiste HIRIART-URRUTY
Nous montrons dans ce travail comment la g�om�trie (classique) du
triangle et l'optimisation Convexe
(moderne) font bon m�nage. Dans ce qui constitue l'essentiel de notre
approche, nous revisitons les
points particuliers du triangle, les plus connus du moins, � la seule
lumi�re de l'optimisation.
Nous montrons comment ils sont les solutions uniques de probl�mes de
minimisation dont les fonctions-objectifs
sont d�finies � partir des distances aux c�t�s du triangle ou des
distances aux sommets du triangle.
Les fonctions-objectifs qui entrent en jeu sont toutes convexes, mais
certaines sont non diff�rentiables.
N�anmoins, les conditions n�cessaires et suffisantes d'optimalit� en
minimisation convexe sont applicables
dans tous les cas, elles conduisent pr�cis�ment � la
caract�risation �
variationnelle � des points familiers
du triangle : isobarycentre, point de FERMAT, point de LEMOINE, centre
du cercle inscrit, centre du cercle
circonscrit, orthocentre. Deux autres probl�mes d'optimisation li�s au
triangle compl�tent notre article.


Thierry Champion
Laboratoire Imath -- Universit� du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr

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