[CvGmt News] [CVGMT] weekly bulletin

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Fri May 30 12:00:02 CEST 2014

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---
* Seminars by:
De Pascale * New papers by: Cesaroni, Barles, Baroni, Marcellini, De Philippis, Conti, Scotti, Bardi, Julin, Santambrogio, Briani, De Pascale, Iurlano, Focardi, Chasseigne , Tchou, Fusco, Figalli, Louet* Modified papers by: Di Marino, Barles, Ambrosio, Fonseca, Iurlano, Pratelli, Kuusi, Baroni, Morini, Spector, Shieh, Mossay, Colombo, Briani, Santambrogio, Urbano, Velichkov, Mazzoleni, Blanchet, Chasseigne , Fusco, Leoni, Bucur, Focardi, Schmidt--- Seminars next week ---
* Wednesday 4 jun 2014time: 17:00Aula Riunioni - Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa

A first analysis of the Monge Problem with vanishing gradient penalization.
Luigi De Pascale (Dip. Mat. Appl. Univ. Pisa)Abstract. <p>The approximation of the Monge problem by a family of functionals with vanishing gradient penalization will be discussed. In particular it will be shown the first order Gamma-limit may select a minimizer different form the monotone one. When the class of minimizers selected by the first order limit is empty an higher order Gamma-limit will be investigated. The density of special classes of transport maps will be investigated as a tool. (Joint work with Jean Louet and Filippo Santambrogio of the Universit\'e de Paris Sud-Orsay). 
--- New Papers ---
* Fusco, Julin: On the regularity of critical and minimal sets of a free interface problem
* Bardi, Cesaroni, Scotti: Convergence in Multiscale Financial Models with Non-Gaussian Stochastic Volatility
* Conti, Focardi, Iurlano: Phase field approximation of cohesive fracture models
* Focardi: Regularity issues for local minimizers of the Mumford &  Shah energy in 2d
* Barles, Briani, Chasseigne , Tchou: Homogenization Results for a Deterministic Multi-domains Periodic Control Problem
* De Philippis, Figalli: A note on the dimension of the singular set in free interface problems
* Baroni: Riesz potential estimates for a general class of quasilinear elliptic equations
* Focardi, Marcellini: On The Lower Semicontinuity Of Quasiconvex Integrals 
* De Pascale, Louet, Santambrogio: A first analysis of the Monge problem with vanishing gradient penalization
--- Modified Papers ---
* Schmidt: Partial regularity for degenerate variational problems and image restoration models in $\rm BV$
* Blanchet, Mossay, Santambrogio: Existence and uniqueness of equilibrium for a spatial model of social interactions
* Ambrosio, Colombo, Di Marino: Sobolev spaces in metric measure spaces: reflexivity and lower semicontinuity of slope
* Focardi, Iurlano: Asymptotic analysis of Ambrosio-Tortorelli energies in linearized elasticity
* Barles, Briani, Chasseigne : A Bellman approach for regional optimal control problems in R^N
* Shieh, Spector: On a new class of fractional partial differential equations
* Bucur, Mazzoleni, Pratelli, Velichkov: Lipschitz regularity of the eigenfunctions on optimal domains
* Baroni, Kuusi, Urbano: A quantitative modulus of continuity for the two-phase Stefan problem
* Fonseca, Fusco, Leoni, Morini: Motion of Three-Dimensional Elastic Films by Anisotropic Surface Diffusion with Curvature Regularization
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