[CvGmt News] [CVGMT] weekly bulletin

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Fri May 16 12:00:02 CEST 2014

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---
* New papers by: Buttazzo, Catino, Bardi, Paronetto, Mascolo, Arendt, Pallara, Masson, Cesaroni, Monticelli, Cupini, Rigoli, Campiti, Ghilli, Mondino, Miranda jr., Naber, Velichkov, Angiuli, Guidetti, G?neysu, Marcellini, Parviainen, Metafune, Magni, Scala, Mastrolia* Modified papers by: Cupini, Rigoli, Buttazzo, Lanconelli, Bucur, Catino, Bramanti, Monticelli, Velichkov, Priola, Novaga, Mastrolia, Figalli, Okabe--- New Papers ---
* Mondino, Naber: Structure Theory of Metric-Measure Spaces with Lower Ricci Curvature Bounds I
* Cupini, Marcellini, Mascolo: Local boundedness of solutions to some anisotropic elliptic systems
* Cupini, Marcellini, Mascolo: Existence and regularity for elliptic equations under $p,q$-growth
* Magni: A Convergence Result for the Gradient Flow of $\int |A|^2$ in Riemannian Manifolds
* Angiuli, Pallara, Paronetto: Analytic semigroups generated in L^1(?) by second order elliptic operators via duality methods
* Arendt, Metafune, Pallara: Schroedinger Operators with Unbounded Drift
* Campiti, Metafune, Pallara: One-dimensional Feller semigroups with reflecting barriers
* Metafune, Pallara: Discreteness of the spectrum for a class of differential operators with unbounded coefficients in R^n
* Metafune, Pallara: On the location of the essential spectrum of Schroedinger operators
* Guidetti, G?neysu, Pallara: L^1-elliptic regularity and H=W on the whole L^p-scale on arbitrary manifolds
* Buttazzo, Velichkov: The spectral drop problem
* Catino, Mastrolia, Monticelli, Rigoli: Conformal Ricci solitons and related integrability conditions
* Bardi, Cesaroni, Ghilli: Large deviations  for some fast  stochastic volatility models by viscosity methods
* Masson, Miranda jr., Paronetto, Parviainen: Local higher integrability for parabolic quasiminimizers in metric spaces
* Scala: Limit of viscous dynamic processes in delamination as the viscosity and inertia vanish
--- Modified Papers ---
* Bramanti, Cupini, Lanconelli, Priola: Global $L^{p}$ estimates for degenerate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators with variable coefficients
* Bucur, Buttazzo, Velichkov: Spectral optimization problems for potentials and measures
* Novaga, Okabe: Regularity of the obstacle problem for the parabolic biharmonic equation
* Catino, Mastrolia, Monticelli, Rigoli: Analytic and geometric properties of generic Ricci solitons
* Figalli: Quantitative stability results for the Brunn-Minkowski inequality
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