[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE]

buttazzo at dm.unipi.it buttazzo at dm.unipi.it
Wed Jun 11 13:13:41 CEST 2014

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE
Da:      "CHAMPION Thierry" <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Data:    Mer, 11 Giugno 2014 11:11
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr

Lettre MODE
juin 2014

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Vous pouvez �galement retrouver les lettres MODE sur le site :


Table des mati�res

-- Th�ses et Postes
1- PhD programs in Mathematics and in Financial Mathematics
2- Postdoctoral position at Sandia Livermore
3- Post-doctoral position in optimization at University of Calgary
4- Poste ing�nieur en automatique et traitement du signal

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements
5- Annonces de s�minaires
6- Assembl�e G�n�rale de la SMAI
7- Groupe de travail prog. math. (GdR RO), Toulouse
8- Conf�rence en l'honneur d'Ivar Ekeland
9- Convex Optimization PhD Course and a one-day Workshop  "Convex
Optimization and Beyond"
10- Conf�rence en l'honneur de Bernard Cornet
11- Colloque Franco-Roumain de Math�matiques Appliqu�es
12- Unfold Mechanics for Sound and Music, Paris, 11-12/09/2014
13- Global Optimization - Models, Algorithms, Software, and Applications
14- EURO Mini Conference on Stochastic Programming 2014, Paris
15- PGMO-COPI'14 call for abstracts from May 31st to June 15th
16- Geometric control and related fields, at RICAM (Linz, Austria)
17- School and Workshop on Optimal Transport in the Applied Sciences,
at RICAM (Linz, Austria)
18- International conference on high performance computing

1- PhD programs in Mathematics and in Financial Mathematics
(source : CRM Italy)

PhD programs in Mathematics and in Financial Mathematics at the Scuola
Normale Superiore*

Applications are invited for the PhD programs in Mathematics and in
Financial Mathematics at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa (Italy).

All positions are supported by fellowships (7 for Mathematics + 5 for
Financial Mathematics).
Additionally, each PhD student is guaranteed funding for
his/her research activity and for travel in Italy and abroad.

The selection will take place in two stages, July and October. The
students will start their activities on November 1, 2014.

For the July selection: June 30, 2014
For the October selection:  September 15, 2014.

*About the PhD program in Mathematics*

The mathematical research at the Scuola Normale is concentrated on some
of the most significant areas of mathematics at the international level:
Calculus of Variations, Harmonic Analysis, Differential Geometry
and Global Analysis, Algebraic Geometry, Number Theory, Dynamical Systems.



*About the PhD program in Financial Mathematics*

The research activity is concentrated on the analytical and empirical
study of financial markets at different time scales, using rigorous
mathematical tools as well as quantitative methods. The areas of
research include: high frequency finance, market microstructure,
valuation and portfolio theory, correlation structures, networks,
systemic risk, efficiency of financial markets.



2- Postdoctoral position at Sandia Livermore
(source : M. Th�ra)

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher at Sandia Livermore to
work on stochastic
optimization problems in power systems. We are looking for candidates
with background
in stochastic optimization, uncertainty quantification, and electric
power systems.

You can apply for this position at


If the link does not work, you can go to http://www.sandia.gov/careers
and search for
position 646245.

I will appreciate if you could advertise this  position.

Best Regards,

Ali Pinar, apinar at sandia.gov

3- Post-doctoral position in optimization at University of Calgary
(source : M. Th�ra)

As a part of Collaborative Research Group on Optimization: Theory,
Applications and Algorithms
-and-applications-2012-2015), partly funded by Pacific Institute for
the Mathematical Sciences
(PIMS), applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in
optimization at University of
Calgary, Calgary AB Canada. The position is for 1-year, with possible
extension to 2 years,
tentatively starting in Summer or Fall of 2014.

A successful candidate should hold or be close to completion of a PhD
in Mathematics, Applied
Mathematics, Computer Science, Operations Research or related area.

Of primary interest are applicants interested in the following topics:
-       computational methods for solving conic optimization problems
over p-cones, and/or
-       applications of optimization to optimal radiotherapy treatment
planning, and/or
-       curvature of the central path.
Alternative PDF research proposals will also be considered.

When applying, please also send an email to Dr. Yuriy Zinchenko
at yzinchen at ucalgary.ca with the subject line ?CRG PDF application?,
expressing your interest.
Please submit your CV, research and teaching statements, and contact
info for 3 referees.

Some general information of PIMS PDF position and the application
procedure may be found at

4- Poste ing�nieur en automatique et traitement du signal
(source : J.-F. Bonnans)

Sp�cialis�e dans le traitement des donn�es des enregistreurs de vol
boites noires �),
Safety Line est une start-up cr��e en 2010 qui �dite des logiciels
pour les exploitants
a�ronautiques. Safety Line propose notamment des solutions innovantes
pour la gestion des
risques op�rationnels et techniques, et pour l?optimisation de la
consommation de
carburant par l?utilisation des donn�es de vol.

La soci�t� souhaite �toffer l?�quipe de recherche (actuellement 2
ing�nieurs-docteurs en
statistiques) d?une comp�tence en automatique et traitement du signal.
Dans une ambiance
start-up, o� dirigeants et salari�s �changent r�guli�rement sur
travaux et id�es
respectives, vous travaillerez au sein de l?�quipeR&D qui regroupe
d�veloppeurs et
chercheurs en statistiques.

En collaboration avec les autres chercheurs de l?�quipe, et en vous
appuyant sur une
pr�c�dente �tude r�alis�e lors d?une collaboration ext�rieure
avec une
�quipe de recherche
sp�cialis�e dans le d�veloppement d?algorithmes pour l?optimisation de
dynamiques, vous contribuerez � l?�laboration et � l?am�lioration
mod�le de dynamique
du vol. Puis, vous contribuerez � l?identification des param�tres
a�rodynamiques de ce
mod�le de vol � partir duquel vous d�velopperez des m�thodes
num�riques d'optimisation
(planification de trajectoires, commande optimale).
Vous d�velopperez �galement des algorithmes de traitement de signaux
d?enregistreurs de vol (d�bruitage, fusion de donn�es, mod�lisation,
pr�diction, d�tection de

Profil :
Formation bac +5 (Master recherche ou ing�nieur) en automatique et
traitement du signal
avec une exp�rience d?un an minimum.
Une exp�rience dans le secteur a�ronautique serait un plus.
Comp�tences requises :
- Mod�lisation et optimisation de syst�mes dynamiques : repr�sentation
d?�tat, contr�le
optimal, m�thodes d?optimisation (m�thodes de type gradient, SQP,
point int�rieur).
- Estimation et Filtrage optimal (filtre de Kalman). Filtrage
particulaire (Monte Carlo).
- Des comp�tences en traitement statistique des signaux (d�composition
ondelettes, d�composition de signaux, d�tection de rupture,...)
seraient un plus.
- Ma�trise des langages C et C++. Des comp�tences en Python seraient
- Anglais scientifique et technique


5- Annonces de s�minaires
(sources: P.L. Combettes, V. Fruchard, A. Lisser, G. Mercier, A.
Rondepierre, G. Vigeral, B. Montjardet)

Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les s�minaires ayant
lieu ce mois-ci et organis�s dans nos laboratoires.
N'h�sitez pas � l'alimenter, pr�f�rentiellement via un lien vers
la page du s�minaire et une liste de conf�renciers,

S�minaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP, salle 05 ou 421)


Lundi 2 juin :
15h : G. Bouchitt� (Toulon)
16h : P. Carpentier (ENSTA)
CT CalVa -- Calcul des Variations (LJLL Universit� Pierre et Marie
Curie, CMAP Ecole Polytechnique)


Lundi 16 juin :
10h : E. Stepanov
11h : M. Novaga

S�minaire du programme PGMO, Salle PGMO (Ecole Polytechnique)


jeudi 12 juin :
J. Lee (U. Michigan),
M. Fampa (U. Rio de Janeiro)

** **
S�minaire Pluridisciplinaire d'Optimisation de Toulouse (lieu : voir site)


Lundi 2 juin :
14h : P. Toint
15h : E. Simon

S�minaire de Math�matiques Discr�tes, Optimisation et D�cision,
de la Sorbonne et Universit� Paris 1


Mardi 3 juin : C. Ronse (U. Strasbourg)
S�minaire Parisien de Th�orie des Jeux (IHP, salle 05, 201 ou 314)


Lundi 16 juin :
A. Joux (UPMC)
C. Grunk (TSE)
Lundi 23 juin :
M. Le Treust (CNRS-Cergy)
G. Gaujal (INRIA Grenoble)


6- Assembl�e G�n�rale de la SMAI
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

L?Assembl�e G�n�rale de la SMAI aura lieu le mercredi 18 juin 2014 �
17h30 dans la salle
de s�minaire (salle 309, 3�me �tage, couloir 15-16) du Laboratoire
Jacques-Louis Lions
� Jussieu (Paris).


7- Groupe de travail prog. math. (GdR RO), Toulouse
(source : J.-B. Caillau, F. Messine)

R�union de lancement les 18-19 juin 2014, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse


8- Conf�rence en l'honneur d'Ivar Ekeland
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

du 18 au 20 juin, � l�niversit� Paris Dauphine, voir le site

9- Convex Optimization PhD Course and a one-day Workshop  "Convex
Optimization and Beyond"
(source : P. Armand)

NATCOR (http://www.natcor.ac.uk/) Convex Optimization PhD Course:
Location:   International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh (UK)
Dates:      23-27 June, 2014
This 5-day course is a part of UK-wide PhD training program.
NATCOR provides generous funding for EPSRC-funded UK PhD students.
Non-UK PhD students are eligible to apply for EURO funding:


one-day Workshop  "Convex Optimization and Beyond"
Location:   International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh (UK)
Date:       Friday 27 June 2014
with the following invited speakers:
    *Stephen Boyd*, Stanford (keynote speaker),
    Jacek Gondzio, Edinburgh
    Julian Hall, Edinburgh
    Raphael Hauser, Oxford
    Daniel Kuhn, Lausanne
    Danny Ralph, Cambridge
The attendance is free, but please do register so that we know you are
We encourage PhD students and Postdocs to submit contributed posters.
A small prize for the Best Poster will be awarded.

10- Conf�rence en l'honneur de Bernard Cornet
(source : M. Th�ra)

du 26 au 28 juin � Paris School of Economy, voir le site :

11- Colloque Franco-Roumain de Math�matiques Appliqu�es
(source : P. Mironescu)

Le 12e Colloque Franco-Roumain de Math�matiques Appliqu�es a lieu �
du 25 au 30 ao�t 2014

Le colloque couvre tout le spectre des math�matiques appliqu�es, avec
en plus cette
ann�e une session d?analyse.

Vous trouverez ici


les organisateurs des sessions parall�les et autres renseignements utiles.
Nous vous invitons � venir nombreux et � inciter vos doctorants � s?y
Il est encore possible de soumettre une communication.

Au nom des organisateurs,
Petru Mironescu
Universit� Lyon 1

12- Unfold Mechanics for Sound and Music, Paris, 11-12/09/2014
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

see the conference website :

13- Global Optimization - Models, Algorithms, Software, and Applications
(source : M. Th�ra)

The Mathematics Department of the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and
APDIO are organizing
a short course titled

Global Optimization - Models, Algorithms, Software, and Applications

Lecturer: J�nos D. Pint�r, PhD, DSc
PCS Inc., Canada

Venue: University of Aveiro
Time:  September 12-13, 2014

For additional information and registration, please visit the APDIO
webpage http://apdio.pt/organizados-pela-apdio.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own nonlinear optimization
research models, for
discussion and advice.
They can send the short description of the models to Tatiana
Tchemisova <tatiana at ua.pt> and
to Janos Pinter <janos.d.pinter at gmail.com>.

14- EURO Mini Conference on Stochastic Programming 2014, Paris
(source : A. Lisser)

The organizers of the EURO mini-conference on Stochastic Optimization
and its applications
have the pleasure to invite you to join this conference to be held in
Paris, France on
24-26 September, 2014,


The conference aims at discussing the latest research in stochastic
optimization and its
applications. The main objective of the meeting is to encourage the
exchange of knowledge
and recent achievements. We welcome abstracts and contribution
sessions related to all
aspects of stochastic optimization as well as on applications.

Abstracts should be written in English and contain no more than 600
Each participant is allowed to present ONE paper at the conference.

To submit an abstract or a contribution session, please use the
abstract submission system
of EURO-Online available on the conference website

Organizing committee

Abdel Lisser - Chair
Dominique Quadri
Michal Houda
Mathilde Excoffier
Xu Chuan
Cheng Jianqiang

15- PGMO-COPI'14 call for abstracts from May 31st to June 15th
(source : pgmo)

We would like to inform you that we extended the deadline of
PGMO-COPI'14 call for
abstracts from May 31st to June 15th.
Please, note that the full paper submission by October 27th for
proceedings (Energy Systems),
indicated in the call for abstracts is not mandatory.

Registrations will be opened on June 16th, 2014.

All the details are available on the conference website

We will be pleased to receive the following plenery speakers who have
already accepted our
invitation :

- Francis Bach, INRIA, Paris, France
- Viorel Barbu, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania
- Daniel Bienstock, university of Columbia
- Laurent El Ghaoui, EECS, UC Berkeley
- Nicole El Karoui, Universit� Pierre et Marie Curie and Ecole
Polytechnique, Paris, France
- Sourour Elloumi, ENSIEE, Evry, France
- Ren� Henrion, Weierstrass Institute, Germany
- Jean-Bernard Lasserre, LAAS - CNRS, France
- Fr�d�ric Roupin, Universit� Paris 13, France
- Claudia Sagastizabal, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro
- Golbon Zakeri, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Best regards
PGMO-COPI?14 Organization Committee

16- Geometric control and related fields, at RICAM (Linz, Austria)
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

The workshop Geometric control and related fields will be held at
RICAM (Linz, Austria),
November 17-21, 2014:


Registration is free but mandatory; there is a limited amount of
financial support for young
colleagues and long guest invitations (1-2 months):


This workshop will be part of the 2014 RICAM special semester on "New
Trends in Calculus
of Variations":


17- School and Workshop on Optimal Transport in the Applied Sciences,
at RICAM (Linz, Austria)
(source : T. Champion)

The school and workshop on Optimal Transport in the Applied
Scienceswill be held at RICAM
Dicember 2-12, 2014:


Registration is free but mandatory; there is a limited amount of
financial support for young
colleagues and long guest invitations (1-2 months):


This workshop will be part of the 2014 RICAM special semester on "New
Trends in Calculus
of Variations":


18- International conference on high performance computing
(source : M. Th�ra)

Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes
March 16-20, 2015 ? Hanoi, Vietnam

Detailed information can be found in the conference web page:


Thierry Champion
Laboratoire Imath -- Universit� du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr

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