[CvGmt News] seminario di "Calcolo delle Variazioni e Analisi Geometrica"

Agnese Di Castro agnese.dicastro at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 10:44:03 CEST 2014

Cari colleghi,

vi comunichiamo che domani, mercoledi'  4 giugno alle ore 17.00 nell'aula riunioni, presso il Dipartimento di Matematica (Univerista' di Pisa), il Prof. Luigi De Pascale (Univerista' di Pisa) presentera' un seminario dal titolo:

"A first analysis of the Monge Problem with vanishing gradient penalization."

Abstract: The approximation of the Monge problem by a family of functionals with vanishing gradient penalization will be discussed. In particular it will be shown the first order Gamma-limit may select a minimizer different form the monotone one. When the class of minimizers selected by the first order limit is empty an higher order Gamma-limit will be investigated. The density of special classes of transport maps will be investigated as a tool. (Joint work with Jean Louet and Filippo Santambrogio of the Universit\'e de Paris Sud- Orsay).


Agnese & Bozhidar

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