[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE]

buttazzo at dm.unipi.it buttazzo at dm.unipi.it
Thu Feb 27 21:49:59 CET 2014

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE
Da:      "Thierry Champion" <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Data:    Gio, 27 Febbraio 2014 9:53
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr

Lettre MODE
fin f�vrier - mars 2014

Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte �
champion at univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois.

Pri�re d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet.

L'inscription et la d�sinscription automatiques se font en �crivant �
lettre-mode-smai-request at emath.fr
et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe.

Vous pouvez �galement retrouver les lettres MODE sur le site :


Table des mati�res

-- Th�ses et Postes
1- Site phdinfrance (Campus France Inde)
2- Poste MCF � Paris 2
3- Poste PR en optimisation (Dijon)

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements
4- Annonces de s�minaires
5- Joel Sobel's visit and lectures at PSE, March-April 2014
6- First joint ENS-Lyon/SNS school- announcement
7- ERC Bimester June-July 2014: "Calculus of Variations and Analysis in
Metric Measure Spaces"
8- Conf�rence en l'honneur d'Ivar Ekeland
9- CLAIO Monterrey 2014: Call for papers

-- Autres :
10- Nouvelle rubrique dynamique "Actualit�s" sur le wite du Groupe MODE
11- Second appel � projet PGMO
12- Prix de these Maths-Entreprise 2014 (AMIES)


1- Site phdinfrance (Campus France Inde)
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

L'ambassade de France en Inde cr�e un site les offres de th�ses en
France ouvertes
aux �tudiants �trangers anglophones :


2- Poste MCF � Paris 2
(source : G. Vigeral)

L'Universit� Paris 2 a un poste de ma�tre de conf�rences en
math�matiques � pourvoir
au printemps 2014, prioritairement adoss� au laboratoire LEMMA. Le poste
est fl�ch�
Th�orie des Jeux / Th�orie de la d�cision / Economie math�matique.

Le laboratoire organise un s�minaire avec les jeunes docteurs
par le poste
fin mars/d�but avril. Les personnes voulant y participer peuvent me
contacter par email,
dans la mesure du possible avant le 7 mars pour des raisons d'organisation.
Pour ceux en post-doc � l'�tranger, nous pourrons organiser des
rencontres � d'autres

N'h�sitez pas � faire circuler l'information autour de vous.


Lucie M�nager
lucie.menager at gmail.com

3- Poste PR en optimisation (Dijon)
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

Un poste de prof. en 26 susceptible d'�tre vacant � Dijon pour septembre
2014 :



4- Annonces de s�minaires
(sources: P.L. Combettes, G. Mercier, A. Rondepierre, G. Vigeral)

Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les s�minaires ayant
lieu ce mois-ci et organis�s dans nos laboratoires.
N'h�sitez pas � l'alimenter, pr�f�rentiellement via un lien vers
la page du s�minaire et une liste de conf�renciers,

S�minaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP, salle 05 ou 421)


CT CalVa -- Calcul des Variations (LJLL Universit� Pierre et Marie
Curie, CMAP Ecole Polytechnique)


Lundi 3 mars :
10h : F. Allouges
11h : V. Peron

Lundi 31 mars :
10h : F. Silva
11h : A. Ciomaga

S�minaire Pluridisciplinaire d'Optimisation de Toulouse (lieu : voir site)


Lundi 17 mars :
14h : Y. Privat
15h : A. Blanchet

S�minaire de l'Unit� de Math�matiques Appliqu�es (Salle de
UMA, ENSTA ParisTech)
Lundi 10 mars :
14h : P. Bettiol
15h30 : A. Rondepierre

S�minaire Parisien de Th�orie des Jeux (IHP, salle 05, 201 ou 314)


Lundi 3 mars : J. Flesch
Lundi 10 mars : X. Venel et O. Gorelinka
Lundi 17 mars : M. Oliu-Barton
Lundi 24 mars : J. Sobel
Lundi 31 mars : B. von Stengel


5- Joel Sobel's visit and lectures at PSE, March-April 2014
(source : G. Vigeral)

Professor Joel Sobel (University of California, San Diego,
http://econweb.ucsd.edu/~jsobel/ <http://econweb.ucsd.edu/%7Ejsobel/> )
will visit Paris School of Economics for one month, starting from March
19, 2014 (invitation
EHESS and Labex OSE-DT4). He will be located at Paris-Jourdan campus
during his visit.

He will give three lectures on "Communication and Complexity" at the
following dates
(Room A2, Jourdan campus, at 2pm).

Lecture 1: March 20 (2pm-5pm). Introduction: Cheap Talk, Teams
Lecture 2: March 25 (2pm-5pm). Diversity
Lecture 3: March 27 (2pm-5pm). Organizational Language

The course is intended to researchers, graduate students, and advanced
master students (M2).
Feel free to pass the information to whoever can be interested. The
course description is attached
to this email.

Joel Sobel will also give two seminars:

March 24, 11am: Game Theory Seminar (IHP)
March 24, 5pm: Roy seminar

Don't hesitate to contact him directly at jsobel at ucsd.edu
<mailto:jsobel at ucsd.edu> if you want to meet him during his visit.
If you need any further information please contact
frederic.koessler at psemail.eu <mailto:frederic.koessler at psemail.eu>

6- First joint ENS-Lyon/SNS school- announcement
(source : Centro De Giorgi)


" First joint ENS-Lyon/SNS school", that will be held in Aula Dini,
Scuola Normale Superiore from
24  to 28 March 2014 organized by the Centro De Giorgi in Pisa.

The courses, aimed at an introduction to various research fields in
Analysis, PDE's and dynamical
systems, will be at a basic PhD level.

Organizers: Luigi Ambrosio, Denis Serre.

Speakers: Luigi Ambrosio, Oliver Druet, Stefano Marmi, Petru Mironescu,
Fulvio Ricci, Denis Serre.

There are no conference fees, but preliminary registration is required.

To register please link to: http://crm.sns.it/event/300/registration.html .

Registration deadline: 16 March.

Full and up-to-date information can be retrieved at

7- ERC Bimester June-July 2014: "Calculus of Variations and Analysis in
Metric Measure Spaces"
(source : A. Pratelli)

Scuola Normale Superiore and Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De
Giorgi, Pisa

Luigi Ambrosio and Aldo Pratelli organize an intensive research activity
in Pisa, with three schools
(Analysis and Geometry on Singular spaces, June 9-13; School on
Geometric evolution problems,
June 23-28; School on Free discontinuity problems, July 7-12) and two
meetings (Isoperimetric
Problems between Analysis and Geometry, June 16-20; Existence and
regularity for nonlinear
sytems of partial differential equations, June 30-July 5).

Some funding for young participants is available.

Deadline for funding applications: March 31, 2014.
Registration to the events of the bimester:

Luigi Ambrosio, Aldo Pratelli

8- Conf�rence en l'honneur d'Ivar Ekeland
(source : G. Carlier)

Du 18 au 20 juin 2014 � Universit� Paris Dauphine

Consulter le site :


9- CLAIO Monterrey 2014: Call for papers
(source : M. Mongeau)

Monterrey, Mexico
6-10 October 2014

We invite members of the Latin-Iberian-American Association of
Operations Research
(ALIO) and the worldwide Operational Research (OR) community to take
part in the
XVII Latin-Iberian-American Conference on Operations Research held
jointly with the
III Conference of the Mexican Society of Operations Research
(CLAIO/CSMIO 2014) in
Monterrey, Mexico, October 6-10, 2014. The academic program will consist
of parallel,
technical, plenary talks, tutorials, and short courses, covering several
aspects of OR.

To participate, an abstract of 1000 characters must be submitted.
Additionally, an 8-page paper going through a review process may be

Papers and abstracts may be written in Spanish, English, or Portuguese,
the three
official languages of CLAIO.  Accepted papers of registered authors will
be published
in the conference proceedings CD-ROM with an ISBN.
All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference book of

A post-conference special issue of "Annals of Operations Research"
devoted to the best
works of the conference will be published.
See details in the conference web site.

01/Mar/2014     (Optional) Paper submission deadline.
01/May/2014     Abstract submission deadline.

10- Nouvelle rubrique dynamique "Actualit�s" sur le wite du Groupe MODE
(source : T. Bayen)

Ajout d'une rubrique Actualit�s sur la page du groupe MODE :

rubrique : http://smai.emath.fr/spip.php?article506
page du groupe : http://smai.emath.fr/spip.php?article330&lang=fr

avec notamment:

- prix Von Neumann
- d�c�s de J.C. Culioli
- mot de Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty

Cette rubrique est dynamique.

11- Second appel � projet PGMO
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

L'appel � projets 2014 est ouvert depuis le 10 d�cembre 2013 :


Deadline 2 mars 2014

12- Prix de these Maths-Entreprise 2014 (AMIES)
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

Les th�ses doivent avoir �t� soutenues en 2013 et la date limite de
candidature est le 30 Juin :



Thierry Champion
Laboratoire Imath -- Universit� du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr

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