[CvGmt News] [CvGmt event] Summer School on Geometric Measure Theory and Geometric Analysis -- Basel, June and July 2014

gianluca.crippa at unibas.ch gianluca.crippa at unibas.ch
Mon Feb 10 14:08:23 CET 2014

Summer School on Geometric Measure Theory and Geometric Analysis


Date: Monday, Jun 23, 2014 -- Friday, Jun 27, 2014
and Monday, Jul 14, 2014 -- Friday, Jul 18, 2014

Place: Basel, Switzerland

Several fellowships are available for young participants. For information and deadlines see the webpage of the school.

--- Tutorials - 23-27 June 2014

G. Alberti (Università di Pisa):
Tutorial on Geometric Measure Theory

T. Lamm (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology):
Tutorial on Geometric Analysis

--- School - 14-18 July 2014

P. Laurain (Université Paris Diderot):
Analysis of surfaces with constant mean curvature

A. Malchiodi (Warwick University - SISSA Trieste):
Variational aspects of Liouville equations

D. Preiss (Warwick University):
Structure of null sets

E. Spadaro (MPI Leipzig):
Regularity of minimal surfaces

Organizing Commitee: G. Crippa, C. De Lellis, L. Martinazzi

Website: http://gmtga.math.unibas.ch

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