[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE]

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Wed Feb 5 00:01:15 CET 2014

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE
Da:      "Thierry Champion" <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Data:    Mar, 4 Febbraio 2014 11:29
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr

Lettre MODE
f�vrier 2014

Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte �
champion at univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois.

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Vous pouvez �galement retrouver les lettres MODE sur le site :


Table des mati�res

-- Th�ses et Postes

1- Call for positions at CMM: starting in 2014
2- Three positions postdoc � l'IMCA
3- Concours chercheurs INRIA 2014
4- Postes de Temporary assistant professor, Hawai

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements

5- Annonces de s�minaires
6� 2014 Research activities at the Centro di Ricerca Matematica �Ennio
De Giorgi�-Pisa
7- Day in Celebration of Michel Balinski�s 2013 von Neumann Prize
8- Mini-cours sur l�optimisation polynomiale et le contr�le
9- Appel � communications pour l'atelier NCMIP2014
10- NetCo 2014 "New trends in optimal control"
11- Summer School in applied mathematics on Centralized and Distributed
Multi-agent Optimization
12� Congr�s en l'honneur de Ha�m Brezis
13- Conf�rence/atelier "EUROPT2014�, Perpignan
14- 2014 Mixed Integer Programming workshop, Ohio State University
15- Optimization 2014, Guimaraes, Portugal
16- Recent Advances in Linear Optimization
17- Seventh Workshop on Computational Optimization (WCO'14)
18- Colloque Optimisation et processus dynamiques en apprentissage et
dans les probl�mes inverses

� Autres :

19- Deces de J.-C. Culioli
20- Looking for benchmarking instances of quadratic programming problems


1- Call for positions at CMM: starting in 2014
(source : A. Joffre, A. Hantoute)

Applications are called for 5 four-year positions at the Center for
Modeling � www.cmm.uchile.cl �, Universidad de Chile.

A Ph.D. in mathematics or related fields is required.
These positions are research oriented and it is expected that candidates
a good record of publications as well as interest for applied/industrial
CMM has currently the following fundamental research areas: discrete
mathematical mechanics and inverse problems, optimization and game
theory, partial
differential equation and nonlinear analysis and stochastic modeling as
well as
application areas articulated in the following labs: Astroinformatics,
Modeling, Inverse Problems, Bioinformatics and Mathematics of the
Genome, Logistics
and Production, Geomechanics and Metallurgy in Mining, Imaging and
Natural Resources and Bioprocesses, Networks Economics and Risk
Analysis, and
Stochastic and Statistics Simulation.

We expect that candidates will participate and/or lead industrial
projects carried
out by the CMM. The teaching load is low: a one-semester course at the
or graduate level per year. In addition, academic activities such as student
mentoring, organization of thematic seminars are expected.

The salary will depend on qualifications of the candidate, starting for
an assistant
professor at $ 2.500.000 (US$ 5000 approx.) per month before taxes, for
12 months a
year. One or two-year research-leading project experience after PhD will
be well
evaluated. Over this salary, CMM�s researcher can apply to extra
incentives and
funding for research and applied activities coming from the National
Research Council
(CONICYT) and/or from the industry.

Candidates should submit a CV, research statement and 2 recommendation
letters before
March 30, 2014 to mrivera at dim.uchile.cl. Candidates will be evaluated as
their applications
are received and offers could be made in advance.

see the webpage : http://www.cmm.uchile.cl/?p=20123


2- Three positions postdoc � l'IMCA
(source : T. Bayen, M. Th�ra)

A l'IMCA nous sommes � la recherche de 3 candidats pour faire un postdoc
� l'IMCA.
Le sujet est autour de gestion de ressource renouvelable (math, stat,
info, prob,
mod�lisation ...)

La dur�e est 1 ans et pour commencer en mars, juillet et d�cembre 2014,
la bourse
st 6 000 soles (1600 euros aprox) par mois.

Le candidats devront avoir soutenu leur th�se max 4 ans avant est ce que
vous connaissez
au moins un candidat?

E-mail: eocana at imca.edu.pe


3- Concours chercheurs INRIA 2014
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

Concours CR2 :

Concours CR1

Concours DR2


4- Postes de Temporary assistant professor, Hawai
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

L'Univ. Hawai ouvre deux postes temporaires de prof. assistant (1 an

Contacter Monique Chyba, mailto:
chyba at hawaii.edu


5- Annonces de s�minaires
(sources: P.L. Combettes, G. Mercier, A. Rondepierre, G. Vigeral)

Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les s�minaires ayant
lieu ce mois-ci et organis�s dans nos laboratoires.
N'h�sitez pas � l'alimenter, pr�f�rentiellement via un lien vers
la page du s�minaire et une liste de conf�renciers,

S�minaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP, salle 05 ou 421)


Lundi 13 janvier
15h00 : F. Coda-Marques (IMPA, Brazil)
16h00 : R. Luke (Universitat Gottingen)

Lundi 10 f�vrier
15h00 : L. Dumas (Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines)
16h00 : B. Cornet (Paris 1)

CT CalVa -- Calcul des Variations (LJLL Universit� Pierre et Marie
Curie, CMAP Ecole Polytechnique)


Lundi 3 mars :
10h00 : F. Allouges
11h : V. Peron

S�minaire Pluridisciplinaire d'Optimisation de Toulouse (lieu : voir site)


Lundi 17 mars :
14h : Y. Privat
15h : A. Blanchet

S�minaire Parisien de Th�orie des Jeux (IHP, salle 05, 201 ou 314)


Lundi 10 f�vrier : s. Moretti



6� 2014 Research activities at the Centro di Ricerca Matematica �Ennio
De Giorgi�-Pisa
(source : S. Marmi)

The announcement with the general programme for 2014 esearch activities
at the Centro di Ricerca
Matematica �Ennio De Giorgi� in Pisa are available at those links :



I would be grateful if you could have it circulated in your Department.
Full information about the programme can be found on our website at
www.crm.sns.it .

With best regards,

The Director of the Centre
Prof. Stefano Marmi


7- Day in Celebration of Michel Balinski�s 2013 von Neumann Prize
(source : R. Laraki)

Friends and colleagues,

You are cordially invited to attend a one-day conference to be held at the
Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau on Tuesday, February 11, 2014:

Fair Divisions: In Celebration of Michel Balinski�s 2013 von Neumann Prize

Michel Balinski, Directeur de recherch� de classe exceptionnelle of the
has been a member of the Laboratoire d��conom�trie since 1982 and
was its
Director from 1989 to 1999. He was awarded INFORMS�s prestigious John von
Neumann Theory Prize in 2013 for his �fundamental, sustained
contributions to
theory in operations research and the management sciences.� The citation
contributions to optimization (linear, nonlinear and combinatorial) and
emphasizing the work on stable matching; it goes on to state that
�Balinski�s most
important contributions are in the domain of electoral decisions, namely,
representation and apportionment on the one hand, and voting on the
other. They
are significant, innovative, deep, and of the highest scientific

For the complete citation and a history of the prize see:


I hope that you will be able to attend.

The program is :
9h30-10h : Petit d�jeuner
10h-10h15 : Claude Henry (Science-Po Paris and Columbia)
To Michel
10h15-11h : Peyton Young (Oxford)
Legislative Apportionment: History, Mathematics, Politics
11h-11h15 : Coffee break
11h15-12h : Friedrich Pukelsheim (Augsburg)
Fair Representation, and the Double Michel
12h-14h : Lunch (Buffet at Salon d�honneur)
14h-14h45 : Mourad Baiou (CNRS, Clermont-Ferrand)
Stable Matchings and Allocations
14h45-15h15 : Coffee break
15h15-16h : Rida Laraki (CNRS, LAMSADE, Polytechnique)
Majority Judgment : Measuring, Ranking and Electing

Best wishes for the new year,

Rida Laraki


8- Mini-cours sur l�optimisation polynomiale et le contr�le
(source : D. Aussel)

Je souhaite vous rappelez que le GdR MOA organise, fin mars, le Mini-cours
Optimisation polynomiale" � l'INSA de Rennes. Merci de ne pas tarder
� vous inscrire ou � inscrire vos doctorants. Je rappelle aussi que les
doctorant(e)s ou jeunes chercheurs(chercheuses) inscrit(e)s verront leur
h�bergement pris en charge par le GdR MOA :

Mini-cours sur l�optimisation polynomiale et le contr�le
INSA Rennes, 24-25 mars 2014
Intervenants :
* Jean-Bernard Lasserre (LAAS et Institut de Math�matiques de
l�Universit� de Toulouse)
* Didier Henrion (LAAS � Toulouse)

Ce mini-cours est un �v�nement coupl� avec les Journ�es MODE 2014.

Ce mini-cours se concentre sur l�optimisation polynomiale et le contr�le.
Une attention particuli�re sera port�e sur les techniques de relaxation
semi-d�finie exploitant la dualit� entre les probl�mes de moments et la
repr�sentation de polyn�mes positifs sur des ensembles
L�objectif est d�introduire les id�es principales d�une fa�on
unifi�e mais
accessible, dans l�espoir de stimuler de nouvelles activit�s de recherche
dans ce domaine.
If required, the course can be given in English.

Les inscriptions :
- Elles sont ouvertes sur la page d�di�e du GdR MOA
- Aucun droit d�inscription n�est demand� mais, pour des raisons
d�organisation, il est obligatoire de s'inscrire.
- Afin d�encourager la participation des doctorants et jeunes chercheurs,
l�h�bergement sera pris en charge par le GdR MOA, dans la limite de
notre budget (15 personnes). Merci de faire votre demande en
contactant Didier Aussel.


9- Appel � communications pour l'atelier NCMIP2014
(source : D. Aussel)

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un "appel � communications" pour l'atelier
Cet �v�nement est l'une des manifestations scientifiques parrain�es par
le GdR MOA.
Je vous invite d'ailleurs � visiter r�guli�rement la rubrique
de la page web du GdR.

D. Aussel

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that the 4th International Workshop on New
Methods for Inverse Problems :


organized by Institut Farman, will be held on May 23, 2014, at Ecole
Normale Sup�rieure
de Cachan.
You are kindly invited to submit a contribution to the workshop and to
advertise this
call for paper.

Best regards,

Eric Vourc�h and Thomas Rodet
co-chair of NCMIP 2014


10- NetCo 2014 "New trends in optimal control"
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

La conference NetCo 2014 "New trends in optimal control" aura lieu du 23
au 27 juin 2014 a Tours

En lien avec la conference, un numero special de DCDS-A est pr�vu :


11- Summer School in applied mathematics on Centralized and Distributed
Multi-agent Optimization
(source : M. Th�ra)

CIME-EMS Summer School in applied mathematics on

Centralized and Distributed Multi-agent Optimization: Models and Algorithms

June 23-June 28, 2014
Directors of the School
Francisco Facchinei, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
Jong-Shi Pang, University of Southern California, U.S.A

Multi-agent optimization is at the forefront of modern optimization
theory and has recently
undergone a dramatic development, stimulated by new applications in a
host of diverse disciplines.
Multi-agent optimization, including new modelling paradigms and both
centralized and distributed
solution algorithms, lies at the intersection of classical optimization,
game theory, and
variational inequality theory. Since the area has undergone such an
explosive growth in recent
years, this summer school aims at providing an overview that describes
in detail ongoing research
and important trends, with emphasis on the mathematical problems arising
in telecommunications.

The school is organized around 4 series of lectures that will be
delivered by well-known world

Differential Variational Inequalities:
Jong-Shi Pang, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA

Optimization Methods for Resource Management: Complexity, Duality and
Zhi-Quan Luo, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA

Distributed Optimization over Networks:
Angelia Nedich, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA

Advanced Decomposition Algorithms for Multi-agent Systems:
Gesualdo Scutari, University of Buffalo, New York, USA.

Practical Information. This is a residential school, taking place in
Grand Hotel S. Michele in
Cetraro (Calabria, Italy). Grand Hotel S. Michele is a very beautiful
and secluded place which
favors interaction among students and professors. There will be around
18 hours of formal lectures
plus ample opportunity for interaction and discussion.

The school is free.
Participants only have to pay for their accommodation (and travel to the
site). The hotel provides
a vary convenient full-board fee that can be found, along with
additional information, at

A very limited number of grants covering local expenses, mainly intended
for participants coming
from financially-weak countries, is available. Registration is open
until May 15, 2014, but early
application is strongly advised. You may register online from the
official web-page of the course



12- Congr�s en l'honneur de Ha�m Brezis
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

Organis� � l'IHP du lundi 30 juin au vendredi 4 juillet 2014 :



13- Conf�rence/atelier "EUROPT2014�, Perpignan
(source : D. Aussel)

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une annonce pour la conf�rence/atelier
Cet �v�nement est l'une des manifestations scientifiques parrain�es par
le GdR MOA.

Joint event with IFORS14

Date: July 10-12, 2014
Venue: Perpignan, France

Preliminary Call for Papers

We invite all researchers from the optimization
community to take part in the EUROPT2014, to be held
in Perpignan, France, July 10-12, 2014.
EUROPT2014 is the annual event of the "EUROPT group",
the Continuous Optimization Working Group of EURO
(The Association of European Operational Research
Societies). EUROPT2014 is the 12th Workshop on advances
in continuous optimization. EUROPT2014 is a joint event of
the EURO/IFORS 2014 conference to be held in Barcelona,
July 13-18, 2014.

The academic program will consist in plenary talks and
parallel sessions covering several aspects of continuous

Conference website:

Special Issue
A post-conference special issue of the journal Optimization
will be published.

Important Dates
March 15, 2014 Paper submission deadline.
April 15, 2014 Paper acceptance/rejection notification.
January 1, 2014 Early registration begins.
May 15, 2014 Late registration begins.


14- 2014 Mixed Integer Programming workshop, Ohio State University
(source : M. Th�ra)

Date: July 21-24, 2014
Location: Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
Web site and registration:
Poster submission deadline:
April 15, 2014
Registration deadline: May 15, 2014

You are cordially invited to participate in the upcoming workshop in
Mixed Integer Programming
(MIP 2014) :


The registration page is now open until May 15, 2014:



15- Optimization 2014, Guimaraes, Portugal
(source : M. Th�ra)

July 28-30, 2014
(second announcement)

School of Engineering,
University of Minho

Optimization 2014 is the eighth edition of a series of Optimization
international conferences held every three or four years, in Portugal.
This meeting aims to bring together researchers and practitioners
from different areas and with distinct backgrounds, but with common
interests in optimization. This conference series has international
recognition as an important forum of discussion and exchange of
ideas, being organized under the auspices of APDIO (the Portuguese
Operations Research Society).

Confirmed plenary speakers:

Masao Fukushima | Nanzan Univ.
Serge Gratton | ENSEEIHT and CERFACS, Toulouse
C. Tim Kelley | NC State Univ.
Nenad Mladenovic | Brunel Univ.
Maarten H. Van der Vlerk | Univ. Groningen
Fran�ois Vanderbeck | Univ. Bordeaux

Invited and contributed presentations will be scheduled during the three

Important Dates:
Deadline for abstract submission - March 31, 2014
Notification of acceptance - May 1, 2014
Early Registration - Before May 15, 2014

Additional information regarding registration,
contributed talks, deadlines, and accommodation will
be available from the conference web site:


For any questions regarding Optimization 2014, please contact:
optimization2014 at dps.uminho.pt

We look forward to meeting you in Optimization 2014,

J. M. Val�rio de Carvalho (Co-chair of the Organizing Committee)
A. Ismael F. Vaz (Co-chair of the Organizing Committee)


16- Recent Advances in Linear Optimization
(source : M. Th�ra)

July 30-August 1, 2014
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Paris, France.
Organizers: Antoine Deza and Fr�d�ric Meunier

The conference will bring together a diverse group of researchers
interested by geometric, combinatorial, and computational aspects
of linear optimization. If you are willing to participate or to give a talk
please contact the organizers. Further information can be found at:



17- Seventh Workshop on Computational Optimization (WCO'14)
(source : M. Th�ra)

Warsaw, Poland, September 7-10, 2014

WWW: http://fedcsis.org/wco
E-mail: wco2014 at fedcsis.org

We would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing a paper
to WCO 2014
- held as a part of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and
Systems (FedCSIS 2014).


- Paper submission: April 11, 2014
- Position paper submission: May 12, 2014
- Acceptance decision: May 19, 2014
- Final version of paper submission: June 17, 2014
- Final deadline for discounted fee: July 31, 2014
- Conference dates: September 7-10, 2014


18- Colloque Optimisation et processus dynamiques en apprentissage et
dans les probl�mes inverses
(source : P.-L. Combettes)

Le but de ce colloque est de stimuler les discussions et de favoriser la
de nouvelles collaborations entre chercheurs italiens et fran�ais sur
les th�mes
suivants: algorithmes pour l'optimisation convexe et les inclusions
th�orie des jeux, interactions dynamiques entre discret et continu,
th�orie de
l'apprentissage statistique, probl�mes inverses, m�thodes de point fixe.

Voir le site :


19- Deces de J.-C. Culioli
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

Nous avons appris avec �motion le d�c�s, vendredi 10 janvier 2014, de
Culioli. N� en 1959, apr�s des �tudes � l��cole Polytechnique,
il avait
commenc� sa
carri�re comme ing�nieur en R&D � EDF, puis est parti � Oak Ridge
Laboratory avant de
rejoindre le Centre d�Automatique de l�Ecole nationale sup�rieure des
Mines de Paris


20- Looking for benchmarking instances of quadratic programming problems
(source : M. Th�ra)

Quadratic programming problems have received an increasing amount of
attention in recent
years, both from theoretical and practical points of view. However, a
library specifically
conceived for this class of problems does not exist yet. For this reason
we feel the need
to define a standard test set to compare the performance of different
generic quadratic
optimization software and to evaluate the computational performance of
newly developed
algorithms and solution techniques. We are looking for interesting and
challenging problems
from all fields of Global Optimization, Operations Research and
Combinatorial Optimization,
ideally those which have been built to model real life problems.

We are interested in benchmarking instances with the following

* Generic Quadratic objective function.
* Binary, integer and continuous variables.
* Generic Quadratic and/or linear constraints.

Please submit by email to the following address: QPlib2014 at gmail.com

The submitted instances must be in one of the following formats:
The submission of instances should be accompanied by a few lines of
description with the
following information:

* authors/institution/company providing the instance
* references (optional)
* optimum value or upper and lower bounds (optional)
* any additional relevant information (optional)

Please find the QPlib2014 web page here:

The submission deadline is: 1st March 2014.


Thierry Champion
Laboratoire Imath -- Universit� du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr

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