[CvGmt News] seminario di "Calcolo delle Variazioni e Analisi Geometrica"

Agnese Di Castro dicastro at mail.dm.unipi.it
Wed Nov 6 13:00:17 CET 2013

Cari colleghi,

vi comunichiamo che domani, giovedi' 7 novembre alle ore 17.00 nell'aula seminari, presso il Dipartimento di Matematica (Univerista' di Pisa), il Prof. Simon Masnou (Institut Camille Jordan, Universite' Lyon 1) presentera' un seminario dal titolo:

"Variational approximation of the Willmore functional and flow"

Abstract: The talk will be devoted to phase-field approximations of the Willmore functional and the associated L2-flow. After introducing the various approximations that have been proposed in the literature, I will discuss the asymptotic behavior of the associated flows, and the connection with the continuous Willmore flow. A convergent scheme will be proposed for simulating two of these flows, and their behavior will be illustrated on 2D and 3D examples, in both smooth and singular situations.


Agnese & Bozhidar

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